The Meddling Kids profile picture

The Meddling Kids


About Me

The Meddling Kids, a 4-piece rock band from Rochester, NY, smack in the middle of the "snow belt" . . . yeah, there isn’t much to do in the dead of winter but fortunately you got the Kids . . . writing songs that will have you singing along, well after the show is over. Tyler (Vocals/Guitar), Rezz (Guitar), Brian (Bass) and Billy (Drums) combine classic rock influences, such as The Beatles, Cheap Trick, Kiss, and the Rolling Stones, with the spirit of the ’80’s to produce the soundtrack to your next party. Tyler says "Growing up we listened to everything from Ratt and Van Halen to Michael Jackson and Huey Lewis so we write melodies that suck you in and ’fatten’ them up with a Marshall stack!"Plus an energy-filled show that turns heads and drops jaws: "when we started this band, we decided to give people the kind of show we always wanted to see," says Billy. Good enough to be invited to share the stage with headliners such as Warrant, Molly Hatchet, Sammy Hagar, and Bob "The Bachelor" Guiney, as well as members of Kiss and Motley Crue.The Meddling Kids are proud to announce that they have just signed a 3 album deal with Mister Cat Records who will be releasing their full length album with a tour to follow. Also be on the lookout for The Meddling Kids version of "I've Done Everything For You" on the Rick Springfield tribute cd aptly titled "Working Class Dogs" being released on Fastlane Records.
Myspace Layouts The Meddling Kids are Proudly Sponsored by Fusion Salon!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/23/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Tyler Norton-Lead Vocals, Guitars Jeremy Rezz-Guitars,Vocals Brian Eberts-Bass,Vocals Billy Eberts-Drums,Vocals
Influences: Kiss, The Beatles, Cheap Trick, etc. etc.
Record Label: Mister Cat Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

CD Available Online

Hi Everyone, Our cd is available online at So far the response has been great.  Hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving and we'll see you soon!...
Posted by The Meddling Kids on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 05:14:00 PST

CD Release and other news

Hello Everyone, Just a qucik update to fill you in on stuff going on in Meddling Kids land.  Our cd will finally be out Nov 9th.  We will be celebrating the release with a special show that ...
Posted by The Meddling Kids on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 11:08:00 PST

Check out this event: The Meddling Kids

Hosted By: The Meddling KidsWhen: Wednesday Jul 12, 2006 at 5:00 PMWhere: Finger Lakes Performing Arts CenterLakeshore DriveCanandaigua, NY 14424USDescription:The Meddling Kids Click Here To View Even...
Posted by The Meddling Kids on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 08:35:00 PST