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ALD one

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

give me some time and i'll try and come up with some exaggerated profile that will hold your interest and make me more appealing than the average person on frien- oops, i mean myspace. but it will be good enough where it won't sound too far fetched because i've mastered walking the fine line between outright lying and stretching the truth - call it talent/skill/a gift... all i know is, very few have perfected it fully.

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My Interests

finding a cure for world hunger (i'm getting close - i can feel it), kite flying during a windless day, volunteering, exploring the joys of the metric system, tracing (let's face it, drawing requires too much creativity), watching fresh paint dry, referring to myself in the 3rd person, playing videogames - especially the 1's that involve lifelike violence (tekken, streetfighter, soul calibur, or snk games), telling long jokes/stories that don't really have any punchlines or conclusions, chess, passing off impressive ideas as if they were mine, reading, staring at plain white walls from point blank range, real estate, oragami - (who knew folding paper could provide endless hours of fun?), searching for new and creative ways to feel pain, hanging out and talking with new chicks (remember, it's only stalking if it's creepy - but that all depends on who's point of view really, and only a court of law can decide the legalities), mastering the rubik's cube, and yogging (with a soft J)

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I'd like to meet:

cool, funny, interesting, experimental, artistic, stylish, deep, ambitious, talkative, motivated people - if that's you, say hi. at the same time - truthful, "keeping it real" types are always good... as well as creative liars or people who exaggerate in ghetto fabulous ways. (oh ya, and it's always good meeting new females (double jointed, flexible, girls gone wild kind) - oh, and especially the crazy psychotic type - like alicia sylverstone in the "crush" or that 1 chick that left her exboyfriend in a vegetative state for trying to leave her in "swimfan". one word for those types of females - HOT). i would like to reconnect and stay in touch with people i have known from wherever/whenever. and if we were ever enemies, hey... i was only joking - how bout it... friends?

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rap/hiphop, 80s, 90s, reggae, oldies, rNb, hard rock, "best of" compilations, bay area/westcoast, creative mashups, instrumentals, top 40 - mainstream, tv theme music, videogame music, and sometimes i turn the radio dial to a nonexistent station just to listen to static (it's very soothing and sounds like the ocean after a long period of time)


Medellín and Aquaman (classics), eastern promises, knocked up, blades of glory, infernal affairs, TMNT, 300, the departed, blood diamond, casino royale, school for scoundrels, talladega nights, fearless, V for vendetta, tom yum goong (aka the protector), batman begins, clueless, the killer, gattaca, scarface, bourne supremacy/ultimatum, clash of the titans, boogie nights, old school, full metal jacket, bound by honor: blood in blood out, bring it on, kill bill, mean girls, drunken master, fist of legend, 40 year old virgin, napoleon dynamite, paid in full, new jack city, godfather II, city of god, anchorman, ninja scroll, bully/kids, wildstyles, jay and silent bob strikes back, zoolander, snatch, fightclub, 6th sense, the others, spiderman trilogy, matrix reloaded, LOTR:return of the king, dodgeball, double impact, face off, the devil wears prada, mission impossible 2, karate kid, there's something about mary, swingers, go, shrek 2, goodfellas, office space, blade II, saving pvt. ryan, pirates of silicon valley, belly, better luck tomorrow, menace II society, minority report, eddie murphy RAW, con air, star wars 1 - 6, anything with nautica thorn or ice la fox, and the indiana jones trilogy


cnn/headline news, fox, voltes 5 / daimos, simpsons, saved by the bell, airwolf, rap city, alf, chapelle show, discovery channel, the history channel, THC: declassified, the A-team, initial D, elimidate, leno/conan o'brien, drawn together, family guy, south park, reno 911, jeopardy, knight rider, entertainment tonight, ebertNroeper, baywatch, 90210, the apprentice, voyagers!, manimal, automan, talk soup, yo mtv raps, 21 jumpstreet, V, quantum leap, flavor of love, entourage, real sex, wangan midnight, youtube, and anything with bill maher, hannity and colmes, or bill o'reilly (especially if they're interviewing camron or other random rappers).

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Kite Runner, Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior, the alchemist, The 33 Strategies of War, 5 people you meet in heaven, anarchist cookbook, angels and demons, art of seduction, art of war, behold a pale horse, THE BIBLE, book of 5 rings, communist manifesto, da vinci code, the game, life's little instruction book, machiavelli: the prince, pimp: the story of my life, rich dad poor dad, "___ for dummies" series, 48 laws of power, webster's english dictionary, the yellow pages, and pop-up books (whoever invented those is a genius, they must be rakin' in the dough).


my momz, my homies makin it, homies tryin to get there, my ex, spiderman, al bundy (4 touchdowns in 1 game? homie - join the fanclub), tony mantana, george mclfy, coworkers that actually work, hot coworkers who work - trying to prove they aren't moving up solely on their good looks alone, tak fujiwara and his AE86 trueno, frodo from lord of the rings, guile/vega/blanka from streetfighter, scooby doo, ric flair, GROUND-LEVEL, napoleon dynamite and pedro, alf, humble/proactive/positive/persistent people, rudy - that little guy from the football movie, those that can make something out of nothing, and any1 that can show me how to get it. also jean cluade van damme (especially in double impact - his acting range in that film ... incredible), scott baio - he ran the 80's, the average joes from dodgeball - they made a believer outta me, and any of the tri lambz from revenge of the nerds - take your pick. oh ya, and how could i possibly forget YOU of course.
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My Blog

hard fall

I guess it's one of those momentsleaving you flat on your backpeople noticed - you know ityou can hear them... their laughwhy you of all people?maybe, you had it comingnow you're broken... looking fee...
Posted by ALD one on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 06:41:00 PST


Master of the momentArt with aggressionThe crowd now attentiveAs their cheers begin to deafenDeath slowly approaches... but excitement only buildsOnce the blade is ready - enter!Rushing in... the fina...
Posted by ALD one on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:49:00 PST

Bungee Jumping - backing out at the very last minute

Fear. It's a powerful thing& that has to be respected. During my last vacation trip, I thought about something new - Bungee Jumping. I'm not exactly sure how I got the urge to try... I mean.. to co...
Posted by ALD one on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:47:00 PST

NFL dynasties - the forgotten teams

Wow. So I got back from a much needed vacation not too long ago. Physically, I'm back but I think, mentally& I just skipped that return flight altogether. I'll probably write something about my trip...
Posted by ALD one on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 05:59:00 PST

The greatest PRESIDENT& in a time of need

I'm flipping through CNN, FOX News, and espn2  it seems like on every channel the political chatter is really moving along and gaining momentum. With George W (or Gdubb for short) on his way out, I ...
Posted by ALD one on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 04:12:00 PST

so close...

i can almost see itso near i could feel itwho would've thought i'd be herebut i did what was neededthe longest road, i supposebut that's just how it goessacrificed more than mostand many times i've be...
Posted by ALD one on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:54:00 PST


Always looking for advantageMeasure your worth with your actionsBeat any odds... never averageIf you can, you make it happenTo the limit... pushing higherIn your mind: "the world is yours"One of a kin...
Posted by ALD one on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 01:23:00 PST

I think its time I called a LAWYER - a good 1

So I'm browsing MSN and other sites, you know, just checking the news. Apparently Michael Vick is going to plead guilty to the charges brought against him (dogfighting etc). First off, I'd like to re...
Posted by ALD one on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 02:34:00 PST


Blinded by words and false promises mostlyEyes half closed.  I should have looked more closelyThrough a different perspective, but too little... too lateRuthless, yet deceptive... as we resign to...
Posted by ALD one on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 02:08:00 PST

WTF - was that how it really was?

you know, I was watching some old school Transformers cartoon recently with my nephew. I'm talking, old school episodes from the 80's  just so he can get a taste of the stuff I used to like. This ...
Posted by ALD one on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 03:32:00 PST