Photoshopping, funny pictures, concerts, music, movies, TV
Anyone goofy and nice, silly/sweet doesn't hurt either! If anyone'd like to chat with me too, my AIM name is ImWearingBlue. Or MSN - stein_auf :D
Lost & Found, ApologetiX, Denver & the Mile High Orchestra, Jonathan Rundman, Five Iron Frenzy, Brave Saint Saturn, Flatfoot 56, Insyderz
AI, Batman Begins, A Beautiful Mind, Bicentennial Man, Bourne Trilogy, Bubble Boy, Catch me if you Can, Dark City, Dodgeball, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Game, Gattaca, The Jacket, Kung Fu Hustle, Lemony Snicket, Leon, LOTR Trilogy, March of the Penguins, Matrix Trilogy, Memento, Murderball, Primal Fear, Serenity, Seven, Shaun of the Dead, Shawshank Redemption, Solaris, The Terminal, The 13th Floor, The Truman Show, V for Vendetta
24, Arrested Development, The Closer, Conan O'Brien, Colbert Report, Daily Show, The 4400, History's L&F, It's Always Sunny, Monk, MNIE, Lost, Prison Break, Robot Chicken, Scrubs, The Office, Venture Bros. And pretty much anything on the History Channel or Discovery or TLC.
Random-fact books, autobiographies, pretty much anything
Many people, in many ways...ask me about them some time.