The Aftermiles profile picture

The Aftermiles


About Me

What's meant to be different about the Aftermiles is the keen expressive lyrics and irresistible background story. The band's more starry-eyed backers compare their hardscrabble tales to their predecessors such as the Buzzcocks, Smiths, Libertines, and the Beatles. But wringing lyrics from the capturing senses, or the articulation of dissatisfaction of many is risky and difficult business, and unlike those listed above, the Aftermiles aren't spinning much deft tales of quotidian anxiety towards their complaints about gettin kick out from a terrible gig, and such opinion on their social cultures. So they're young, painting diaristic portraits of their town and suburban life for those residing in a country where everything is unexpected.

Contact & Booking

Phone: 021 935 93 933 / 0813 19 1000 39 MAULANA

Phone: 021 683 98 519 YOGA

[email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 11/22/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Andre Helliono - Vocals

Maulana - Keyboards

Yoga Pratama - Guitar

Eddie Mohammad - Guitar

Andika Jujun - Bass

Rizky Mohammad - Drums

Influences: The Beatles


The Who

The Jam

The Smith

The Cure

Sham 69

The Libertines

The Clash

Arctic Monkeys

Sounds Like:
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Devil Reviews the Aftermiles! Cheers! The Devil reviews the Aftermiles, please have a go and read on with the review. Cheers, The Miles ...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:55:00 PST


Greetings, Ini ada review dari teman kita [yang bersangkutan ga mau disebut nama aslinya] untuk gig Aftermiles di Bandung, 26 Desember 2007 kemarin. Review ini jadi support untuk kita, untuk bisa ta...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 11:40:00 PST

Upcoming GIG Info! Come to our shows!

9 Nov 2007 Konser Hari Pahlawan THE AFTERMILES [On a Moving Trailer] Tony Q Rastafara Tugu Proklamasi  G. Remaja  Kalibata Rims Jakarta The Others 11 Nov 2007 Aftermiles: Acousti...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:09:00 PST

TODAY : Chart On Ardhan And Prambors Radio

Greetings! Ini adalah minggu ke-4 untuk single kami, Today, di chart NuBuzz [PRAMBORS]. Setelah merangkak naik mulai dari posisi 9, ke posisi 8, dan kemudian 7, lagu Today kini berada di peringkat Pe...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:52:00 PST

On Air Interview on MUSTANG 88.0 FM JAKARTA [11 - 11 - 07]

Greetings, Beberapa waktu yang lalu kita sempat berkunjung ke MUSTANG 88.0 FM untuk memenuhi undangan sesi interview pada segmen acara Gulali [segmen dimana radio MUSTANG memutar lagu2 dari band-ban...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:37:00 PST

On Air Interview: ARDAN 105.9 FM BANDUNG [18 - 11 - 07]

Greetings, Setelah interview dengan radio MUSTANG, kami berangkat ke Bandung tepat satu minggu kemudian untuk melakukan sesi interview di Radio ARDAN. Unfortunately 1 hour appeared to be very short,...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:42:00 PST

November 9th, 2007: THE AFTERMILES LIVE on a moving trailer truck!

Selagi promo kami berjalan [untuk beberapa minggu kebelakang ini], kami akan tampil LIVE di Jakarta. The AFTERMILES akan tampil live di atas truk kontainer berjalan, diikuti oleh konvoy besar, malam i...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 08:23:00 PST

The Aftermiles on Radio!

Grateful, Finally, kami telah memasuki masa promo. Lagu kami akan diputar di 5 stasiun radio di Jakarta dan Bandung mulai tanggal 28 Oktober! JAKARTA TRAX 101.4 FM MUSTANG 88.0 FM ...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 07:48:00 PST

Recording Session: Almost Done!

Good day semuah : ) Saat ini kami sedang dalam proses rekaman yang sudah memakan waktu kurang lebih satu bulan. Bulan puasa ini emang akhirnya jadi bermakna banget, karena mudah2an sebentar lagi mater...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 01:12:00 PST

Lyrics: Today

Berhubung banyak yang minta, ini saya posting lirik lagu Today, semoga ada manfaatnya :) Today Today, wasn't just an ordinary day And the sky was way too blue Did it cheer up me and you? No, it did ...
Posted by The Aftermiles on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:30:00 PST