music/posters/the radio/typographie/converse all star/stripes/magenta/stars/meatlover pizza/shirts with cool prints/pop arts/magazines/white chocolate/powerpuffgirls/photographie/rainbow/cut my hair by-my-self/mcky/audio cassette/spaghetties
one or two with the white poloshirt. rue.meer.saskie.wita.karima.and you.maybe.i dont know.
THAT'S ROCKEFELLER POSTAL SERVICE hopemondayholiday the whitest boy alive the adams 311 GOODNIGHT ELECTRIC the all-american rejects pure saturday THE CURE KINGS OF CONVENIENCE kebunku white shoes & the couples co. MORRISSEY dashboard confessional frente! sexy shakespeare santa monica THE UPSTAIRS the cardigans
i dont watch television.
the powerpuff girlslisa simpson