the bohays profile picture

the bohays


About Me

COME, WATCH, SING ALONG, AND DONT FORGET TO BANG YOUR HEAD!DAN LAUNCHING PARTY SERINGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI 30 NOVEMBER 2007YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAH!!!!!! The Bohays lahir di Bandung pada suatu siang di pertengahan tahun 2005, muncul dari obrolan ngalor ngidul dungan & ykha yang ternyata sama-sama ngefans berat sama Yeah Yeah Yeahs, dan akhirnya diputuskan kalo bikin band kayanya oke juga nih!..hahaha. Ga berapa lama kemudian, obsesi bikin band ini kesampean juga pas Olan, adiknya Dungan, setuju sama ide buat jadi drummer, mantaplah formasi trisula maut yang dibutuhkan dan terwujudlah The Bohays. HOREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Aksi-aksi manggung awalnya masih bawain lagu-lagu dari Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Tapi begitu lagu-lagu The Bohays yang diciptakan mulai terdengar cihuy! pucuk dicinta ulam tiba! sudah waktunya bawain lagu kita sendiri, bung!! Dari sinilah start langkah berani The Bohays menggoda para pendengar musik dengan lagu-lagu seperti Pretty Boy, Love is a Bullet, Boom Bang!, dll. SO GET READY TO BANG YOUR HEAD & SHAKE YOUR ASSES, BABY!!!!! UH WOW!!!!!!!!

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My Interests


Member Since: 5/16/2007
Band Members: YKHA loves to scream her lungs out, so she gets to hold the mic.DUNGAN looks big enough to pick up a guitar and play some kick ass riff.OLAN has the heart of a drummer, he gets to grab the sticks.yeah...that's about it.CONTACT:The BOHAYS Management Rudy | +62 856 91 44 88 44 or | +62 22 9151 [email protected]
Influences: The White Stripes, Yeahyeahyeahs, Nirvana, Arctic Monkeys, Joan Jett
Sounds Like: Duk..tak tak Duk..tak 16 xjreng..jeng..jeng..jeng..4 xditambah dengan merica dan sedikit lemon
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

uuuuw...the changcuters kalian bisa ajaaa!!!!

..> July 1, 2007 - Sunday ..> Band2 baru yang KEREN dan Wajib Dis...
Posted by the bohays on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 04:36:00 PST

Another THE BOHAYS’ Website

please visit also vote us for the AMP's BIG BREAKThanx a lot
Posted by the bohays on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:17:00 PST

The devil's article on The Bohays!

Oh my! The devil himself  has posted an article about The Bohays on his blog could it be we're going straight to hell?? HELL YEAH!!!! thanks a lot mr.devil, ...
Posted by the bohays on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:05:00 PST

the bohays review at by ILOVEGLAM

oh yeah!!! we're in for a review di im blushing just reading it, cause i dont think we're that good...yet...hahaha a special thanks from us to ILOVEGLAM, you're such a doll! ROCK ON!!!...
Posted by the bohays on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:34:00 PST

whats news suave: the bohays at puzzlink

SUAVEmagazine&catalogue issue #34, june 2007 the bohays is in one of whats news review, performing at puzzlink (MAKELU UNPAR)...a little inside job hahaha...but what the hell, thats what friends ...
Posted by the bohays on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:39:00 PST