A Stone A profile picture

A Stone A


About Me

SUPERHEBRED full album
PROMO KITSCH (ep. 2007) album
SOON. brand new AstoneA T-shirt
Read in Indonesian accent “Ah stoon Ah”. The name is taken from the scene of The Rolling Stones fanatic fans’ shout, in freestyle translation A stone A means “play the Stones dude!” or “you like the Stones dude” or “you’re stoned dude!”
Mid 2003, A stone A was formed in Bandung, they met each other in Indonesia University of Education as Art & Language Education students. At the first time the band was formed as an art project which is a kind of a fake rock n’ roll band hoax, the project was made to mocking the massive “re-trend” of vintage rock music & fashion on that time. The band started in a shape of Sound Art Performance in Bandung art scene with the cheap & 2nd hand sound gadget explorations.
At that time A stone A was composed by Ori Riantori (guitar, misc), Andry Mochammad (guitar, misc. things), Muhammad Akbar (vocal), and Erwin Windhu Pranata (drums). The song writings are inspired by the routinities, city absurdity, realism, and urban romances.
In the same year, they started create and record their own songs (at a cheap studio in their campus) which are very unpatterned, fast, brutal, raw, and noisy. It was released in a Long Playing CD album called “Super Hebred” under their own D.I.Y. record label Pangseng Records. In the end of 2003, The Rolling Stones and The Smiths die hard fan Mufti Priyanka a.k.a Amenk joined the band to play bass section which was vacant. 2004 was the year of their first EP called “Adaptor Puitis”, the first A stone A digital sound and absurd music album. More poetic, more ethereal and patternized with a very low quality sound.
the old days in 2003, AstoneA's 1st formation, before Amenk join the band, with Ori the talented eclectic guitar player.
the long hair eye glassed guy is Rully from OhWhooHooWow, he replace Ori's position the guy who wear the brown jacket is Deny Gedank, a talented blues guitar player from Pyratus!, he also help AstoneA as additional guitar player & sound engineer for their newest album recording session.
In the end of 2005, Ori the guitarist resigned, the section was temporary replaced by Noise Punkish band OhWhooHooWow's Rully, and then the section replaced by an additional Space Blues guitarist named Deni “Gedank”.
- "Superhebred" – Pangseng Records, 2003
- "Adaptor Puitis" (EP) – Pangseng Records, 2004
- “Deathrockstar Family" compilation – Deathrockstar, 2005 (with 70’s Orgasm Club, Jahat, Psikopat, Seven Storey Airlines, etc)
- “Hello Noise: Live Performance Video Compilation" – Babi 9 records, 2006 (with Seek Six Sick, Black Ribbon, OhWhooHooWow, Lajur Kiri, Klepto Opera, Sporadic Bliss, Manual, etc.)
- “Superhebred”, produced by A Stone A and Ke.sal Studio, 2004
- “Burn The Lung”, directed and produced by A stone A, 2006
PROMO KITSCH CD (Rp. 15.000)
SUPERHEBRED (Rp. 20.000)
shipping fee Rp 5000/CD Album
IT'S SO F*KKIN CHEAP ISN'T IT? YEAH WE'RE SO CHEAP :) so send it in old fashion way (selipin duitnya ke kertas karbon, masukin ke dalem amplop, terus kirim pake Pos Indonesia)
CD album mail order send to:
Akbar: komp. Holis Permai V no. 4 BANDUNG 40212 West-JAVA INDONESIA
Contact Person:
Akbar: 085220066826
Andry: 081573078424
email & YM!: kurangingatan@yahoo.com killafternoon@yahoo.com

My Interests


Member Since: 12/20/2006
Band Members: Muhammad Akbar (vocal)
Andry Mochammad (guitar, miscellanous things)
Mufti “Amenk” Priyanka (bass)
Erwin Windhu Pranata (drums)
Influences: The Velvet Underground
Black Sabbath
Joy Division
Sonic Youth
Black Flag
My Bloody Valentine
The Smiths
New Order

Sounds Like: The routinities, city absurdity, realism, and urban romances
Record Label: PANGSENG records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

A Stone A on Deathrockstar.info

one of the biggest Indonesian electronic magazine Deathrockstar. (www.deathrockstar.info) releases our "promo kitsch" album on their site, there is 4 track from the album. check it out on this link be...
Posted by A Stone A on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 08:57:00 PST

download KING KOBRA.mp3 (AstoneAs brand neu song)

KING KOBRAKing Kobra is AstoneA's newest song. it's only a draft, you will found this song in good shape only in 2008... i hope you can enjoy the ambience and the emotion of this rawky sound.... just ...
Posted by A Stone A on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 08:38:00 PST