Born and raised a hockey slashing, tall grass running, tree climbing French Canadian boy, he who loved to tail his older brother around and eat popeye candy sticks, Alex Poulin is the unlikely force behind the sounds of Merci Mon Ami.At the age of 7 the young chap moved to Milpitas California with his family (in the San Francisco bay erea). A bright eyed kid from the start who accepted people and things as they were and embraced changes whenever they so happened to come along.Four years into Californiacation Alex took up playing the drums and began performing in garage bands, talent shows and other sillly rubissh with friends. And from there on it was pretty easy to infiltrate music into his bloodstream. At age 16 he kissed California goodbye and returned to his motherland of Oh Canada.Since his return, he has been spotted playing with musical outfits such as Ocean Divides, Lentils and most recently Is That The Sound Of My Voice? Today his life revolves very much around photography, music, filmmaking, and drinking bubble teas in China Town.-MMA 2007