MURDERAVE.-rise upon the highets fence (d7i-001)Rise upon the highest fence is a highly concentrated extract of MURDERAVE's madness and capacity to combine huge Hardcore riffs, furious blast beats and almost ISIS-ish breaks, all in a natural and seamless way. "Rise Upon The Highest Fence" is a major first release that promises great things to come!
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CORTISOL - S12 (coop D7I and prodisk)the creepiest doom alive!!!.Imagine sunn))o and kanhate colides together here in the repress of their first opus
go to cortisol website
EDELVEISSS/T(d7i-002)EDELVEISS create their own style by building up strange ambient atmospheres with rich and beautiful harmonies, supported by a loud rhythm section and powerful electronic soundscapes. They have many different influences, ranging from Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Isis, to King Crimson and Tangerine Dream.
click here to order and band bio
THE DISCORD OF A FORGOTTEN SKETCHIMPROV SESSION (coop D7I and new romance for kids)(NRK-0016)The Discord of a Forgotten Sketch will surprise more than it’s share of people with it’s first live/improv recording, the quartet is finding itself where Saccharine Trust had stopped it’s poetry, where the Butthole Surfers spat out unlimited psychedelia, where the Ex or Fugazi allowed themselves some short experimental deviations. "The Improv Session" is something special.
buy it here with paypall