This Should Have Been My Husband...
Crap! hehehe (in my dreams!)
pipol hu r sensible and mature to have
conversation with..
broad minded, optimistic, humorous, fun, music lover, dog lover, appreciates cultural events, arts & literature, loves movie, eating, and confident people but not snob and arrogant.
Peaceful and nature lover... respects every worth of humanity...
friends............... and more friends.................... pipol hu speaks their mind out......................... s0..................... there..................... Adieu! :
Sidney Sheldon - One of the Greatest Writer I so Adored! A Legend!
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Few Of My Favorites:
Music by: Soundgarden, Audioslave, The Beatles, The Darkness, Aerosmith, Foo Fighters, Pearljam, The Cure, Marilyn Manson, The Cranberries, Maroon5, Dashboard Confessionals, Yellow Card, Blink182, White Stripes, Red Hot Chili Pepper, The Carpenters, Alanis Moresette, Enya, Fionna Apple, Norah Jones, Damien Rice, Jeff Buchman, Sixpence Non The Richer, No Doubt, Liz Phair, Coldplay, Radiohead, ChicoSci, Kapatid, Orange & Lemons, Sandwich, Itchyworms, Bamboo, Sponge Cola, Pinikpikan, Tropical Depression, Stonefree, Boldstar, Kamikazee, Greyhoundz, Kitchie Nadal, Barbie's Craddle, Moonstar, Kiko Machine, Bane, Razorback, Imago, Sugarfree, Cheese, Urbandub, Cambio, Kjwan, Twisted Halo, Gen-Gap, Point Click Kill, Diet of Wormz, Agaw Agimat, The Down, Wolfmann, Fuse Box, Ciudad, Cambio, etc etc etc.........
crazy beautiful, dick, spiderman1&2, x-men1&2, spykids 1&2, Hangman's Curse, bring it on, unfaithful, the little rascals, practical magic, i am sam, spy kids, autumn in new york, sweet november, the patriot, bend it like beckham, scary movie, the new guy, hot chick, etc..
Favorite TV Shows:
Grey's Anatomy, No Reservation : Antony Bordain, Charmed, While You're Out, DNA2, Get Backerz, Ultra Maniac, Magic User's Club, ANIMAX!, Happy Tree Friends (Petunia..!!!) fear factor, ripley's believe it or not, ranma 1/2, csi, spell binders, amazing race, weird travel (Discovery Travel & Adventure), cheaters, jerry springer, a cook's tour, hey arnold!, city cabs, intimate escape, blind date, queer eye for straight guys, brother garcia's, wild thornberry, i bet you will, punked, sex and the city, Rock Star INXS, destination week, sync or swim, Starting Over, etc..
fiction & adventure b0oks, paranormal fact b0oks, reader's digest, sidney sheldon & john grisham, ann martin authored b0oks, comics & cosmopolitan magazines and lotsa magazines.....etc..