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Edgar Rice Burroughs

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About Me

“A Legend Among Us”
Forward By Author: DL Carrigo

America has been gifted with many extraordinary individuals over the last 200 plus years that have contributed their heart felt passion and valor, to shape and mold the ever changing American landscape of ambition, innovation and imagination, from impossible to possible. Edgar Rice Burroughs was truly one of these exceptional stand alone contributors to the American mentality that is driven forward today.
Film producers and directors George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, collaborators on many films together and considered film industry royalty, both claimed the writing of Edgar Rice Burroughs as one of the main creative inspirations and imaginative influences through out their film careers.
Barely on this earth for just under 75 years, his literary contributions have found reaches into almost all facets of American media and entertainment through the years and continue stronger everyday with new generations of interest. Considered one of the world’s most popular authors of all time, his books alone have sold in the multi-millions of copies and have been translated into over 40 different languages.
The most fascinating thing about the writing of Edgar Rice Burroughs is that when he actually started writing his first stories in 1910 about Mars and a character named “John Carter”, the civilized world was void of anything that even resembled something like “Science Fiction” in any form. His intricate descriptions and creative detail about flying war machines and their propulsion systems during a time when the “Wright Brothers” were barely off the ground and commercial flights were non-existent were mind numbing. His descriptive of other worlds through precise landscapes, infrastructures and character features, created a fictional reality that still hold our imaginations hostage today.
His veiled recognition as a literary icon remains true today when asked if one has read anything by “Burroughs”. Most don’t make the connection until the mentioning of “Tarzan” is announced because of its heavy Hollywood infamy. I discovered my first Edgar Rice Burroughs book “A Princess of Mars” in my mid twenties and fell hard to hoarding my new found treasure of adventuress imagination there after and always looked forward to the next story between the pages. The books and stories have become a precious family tradition, now passed from generation to generation.
Thank You, “Ed”

BIO: Edgar Rice Burroughs 1875 - 1950
Edgar Rice Burroughs was born in 1875, into a wealthy Chicago family, although he later claimed to have spent his childhood in Peking. During his early years, he attended several private schools and served in the military, where he first heard stories of battles with American Indians. He married Emma Hulbert in 1900, and spent the next decade in near-poverty, attempting various careers without success.
The turning point for Burroughs came in 1910, when he began writing for pulp magazines. A story called Under the Moons of Mars, which introduced the hero John Carter, was his first professional sale, published in 1912. All of Carter’s adventures were published in book form in 1917 as A Princess of Mars - the series eventually swelled to eleven titles. Burroughs’s other popular series included the Carson of Venus books, Pellucidar, and The Land that Time Forgot.
However, his most stunning success was the Tarzan series, beginning with Tarzan of the Apes in 1912. Burroughs eventually wrote 24 more Tarzan adventures, which were adapted into many films. In order to cover his financial losses, he wrote an average of three novels a year.
After serving as mayor of California Beach and a correspondent in the South Pacific during World War II, Burroughs died of a heart ailment on March 19, 1950. Although critics have labeled his novels badly-written, sexist and racist, they inspired a generation of adventure and science fiction writers and continue to be enjoyed today.

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“Share Your ERB Experience With Everyone”
Please take a moment and message us and let us know how the writing of Edgar Rice Burroughs made an impression in your life. Your favorite stories, characters, books and/or art work that holds a special place in your heart and mind forever. Your message will be posted on this Official ERB My Space Page for others to enjoy and relate to and will be placed in the Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Blog for inspired comments and imaginative debate. Tell Us Your Story!


The Stories From Edgar Rice Burroughs
Minidoka 1903 | A Princess of Mars 1911 | The Outlaw of Torn 1911 | Tarzan of the Apes 1911 ~ Pt. 2 | The Gods of Mars 1912 | The Return of Tarzan 1912 | At the Earth's Core 1913 | The Cave Girl 1913 | The Monster Men 1913 | The Warlord of Mars 1913 | The Mucker 1913 | The Mad King 1913 | The Eternal Lover 1913 | The Beasts of Tarzan 1914 ~ Pt. 2 | The Lad and the Lion 1914 | The Girl from Farris's 1914 | Thuvia Maid of Mars 1914 | Pellucidar 1914 | The Son of Tarzan 1915 ~ Pt. 2 ~ Pt. 3 | The Man-Eater 1915 | Beyond Thirty 1915 | Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar 1915 ~ Pt. 2 | The Rider 1915 | Jungle Tales of Tarzan 1916 | The Oakdale Affair 1916 | The Land That Time Forgot 1917 | Tarzan the Untamed 1918 | The Moon Maid 1919 | The Efficiency Expert 1919 | Tarzan the Terrible 1920 | The Chessmen of Mars 1921 | The Girl from Hollywood 1921 | Tarzan and the Golden Lion 1922 ~ Photoplay Edition | Beware! (Scientists Revolt) 1922 | The Bandit of Hell's Bend 1923 | Tarzan and the Ant Men 1923 | Marcia of the Doorstep 1924 | The Master Mind of Mars 1925 | The War Chief 1926 | The Tarzan Twins 1926 | You Lucky Girl! 1927 | Tarzan Lord of the Jungle 1927 | Apache Devil 1927 | Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins with Jad Bal Ja, the Golden Lion 1928 | Tarzan and the Lost Empire 1928 | Tanar of Pellucidar 1928 | Tarzan at the Earth's Core 1928 | A Fighting Man of Mars 1929 | Jungle Girl 1929 | Tarzan the Invincible 1930 | The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County 1930 | Tarzan Triumphant 1931 | Tarzan and the Leopard Men 1931 | Pirates of Venus 1931 | Tarzan and the City of Gold 1931 | Pirate Blood 1932 | Lost On Venus 1932 | Tarzan and the Lion Man 1933 | Swords of Mars 1933 | Tarzan's Quest 1934 | Back to the Stone Age 1935 | Tarzan the Magnificent 1935 | The Resurrection of Jimber Jaw 1936 | Carson of Venus 1937 | Tarzan Jr. Miniature Book 1937 | Tarzan and the Forbidden City 1937 | Synthetic Men of Mars 1938 | Land of Terror 1938 | Tarzan Clans of America Handbook 1939 | Tarzan and the Jungle Murders (Tarzan and the Castaways) 1939 | Tarzan and the Champion (Tarzan and the Castaways) 1939 | Tarzan and the Madman 1940 | Escape On Venus 1940 | Llana of Gathol 1940 | Savage Pellucidar 1940 | Beyond the Farthest Star (Tales of Three Planets) 1940 | The Quest of Tarzan (Tarzan and the Castaways) 1940 | Tangor Returns (Tales of Three Planets) 1940 | John Carter and the Giant of Mars (John Carter of Mars) 1941 | The Wizard of Venus (Tales of Three Planets) 1941 | I Am a Barbarian 1941 | Skeleton Men of Jupiter (John Carter of Mars) 1941 | Tarzan and the Foreign Legion 1944 | Tarzan and the Lost Adventure 1946 -- Art | Forgotten Tales of Love and Murder

My Blog


Please take a moment and message us and let us know how the writing of Edgar Rice Burroughs made an impression in your life. Your favorite stories, characters, books and/or art work that holds a speci...
Posted by Edgar Rice Burroughs on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 05:18:00 PST