Life! football!
The Perfect women, she does not have to be perfect in the eyes of the world but perfect just for me! lol! Or Who Eva! Anyone that likes being on this mash up planet and Is Enjoying life or wants too! Wants to know what life is all about from my point of view! Needs some guidance in life to become happier and enjoylife more in all areas of their lives. Knows about the LOA and has any stories about how it has effected them, or occurances that have happened since learning about it! Fasrther Christmas, As you still owe me my action women asked for many years ago! lol!
Anything that gets the heart racing! Or I can chill out to, dependant on my mood!
More important thingz to Life than twisting my head up with make believe life! I do enjoy true stories but they are usually sad!
???? If I'm really really bored!! But lets face it T.V is crap apart from football!! I live my life and T.V just clouds the brain with more make believe lifes of made up people!!
The Dictionary? lol!
My Dad is my only hero..