Too much to list. I have an uninhibited enthusiasm for the world and life in general (although, I'm told, you wouldn't know it to look at my face). If I could learn everything that'd be great, but for now I'll stick to my main obsession with drawing, particularly comics, where I feel there is great untapped potential.
Anyone interested in graphic design of any kind, illustration, comic books and graphic novels (you don't even have to know the difference), writers, painters, general creative types, and fuck it, anyone who's basically a nice, cool person.
Eclectic, I believe is the word for my musical tastes. I'll give pretty much anything a go. Currently buzzing through iTunes is a medley of classic techno, metal and indie - with the odd Johnny Cash song chucked in, for good measure.
Again, I won't rule anything out. Too much to possibly even begin listing, but most of my DVD collection is made up from action, sci-fi and horror classics.
I seem to watch less and less as I get older. I've developed an unusual obsession with police chase shows.
Quite a lot like films and music for me. I'll read anything and usually finish it even if it's crap.
A shitty title. People I admire and respect (outside of my friends and family) are Dave Gibbons (who might possibly be entirely responsible for my chosen career path), John Carpenter (the master of mood) and John Williams (master of groovy adventure tunes).