Too many critics want to rip apart music these days. Rock Fist Reviews wants to change that. We believe there's something for everyone, despite the genre of music. Our reviews reflect a positive perspective and constructive criticism. We Rock Fists because we love music, not cause we want to rip it to shreds. Our reviews will be honest, but supportive of the music scene as well. Rock isn't dead, you just have to know where to find the good stuff--- and its our job to pass that info along to YOU!
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Rules for Pumping (or bumping) Fists!
1. If sports are involved, fist bumping is always acceptable.
2. If you are wearing a suit, you may only fist bump if you are drunk. Or if you have just wrapped part of your suit around your forehead.
3. You may not fist bump under any circumstances, in a hospital. Unless Rule #1 (or Rule #2) applies.
4. Do not fist bump someone else’s misfortune, even if it helps you. Just look down, furrow your brow, and nod sternly.
5. No fist bumping between the hours of 7am and 10am. And if you’re watching sports at this time, it’s probably soccer or NASCAR, and then you should really not be fist bumping. High fives will suffice for both.
6. Do not fist bump in a meeting. Even if you are drunk.
7. Do not fist bump your children. Unless you’re drunk, then it’s OK.
8. Girls can fist bump anytime they want. And yes, guys think it’s cute.
9. Do not refuse a fist bump. If you, as a bumpee, believe the bumper is violating a rule, speak to him afterwards. Refusing his bump is not going to help anything.
10. Do not fist bump yourself.
Rules are made to be broken. Pumping Fists is always acceptable!
Any and all bands who would like their performances or cds to be reviewed!
To have a show reviewed, send us a message with:
1) Band name
2) Show info. for the performance you would like reviewed
3) 1-2 people on guest list, no charge for cover
4) Provide a set list prior to performance
5) A small fee for travel expenses dependent upon where the show is located (price can be discussed via messaging)
6) If you like your review, post on your band's page and spread the love!
To have a cd reviewed, send us a message with:
1) Band name and name of cd
2) Send us a free copy (details for shipping or meeting can be discussed via messaging)
3) If you like your review, post on your band's page and spread the love!
All reviews will be posted on Rock Fist Reviews page, and will be submitted to other websites as well.
This will be me someday :) Would love to go on the road with a band for a weekend and write an expose of life on the road!