Music, Music, Comedy, Theatre, Music, Art, Laughter, Sex, Beer, Red Wine, Glenmorangie, Music, More Music, Running, More Sex, Laughter, Theatre, Newcastle United, Music, Stranger Sex, The Revolution, Learning, More Art, More Music, Fighting the World, Love, My Dog Milburn, Music , Even Stranger Sex, Music, Acting, Acting, Acting, Glenmorangie...
...Just About I can get the bigger picture..
Music eh...good music is good music..ya knaa..Mozart to Motorhead..Here's some I'm listening to lately...R.A.T.M., S.O.D, Hawkwind, Pearl Jam, David Bowie, Sam Baker, The Night Watchman, Leonard Cohen, Black Sabbath, Blackilicious, Sage, Dean Martin, Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds, Venom, Ginger, The Counting Crows, Alex Harvey, Motorhead, Dave Gilmour....
I love film, but it has to be know? I mean this is to important for me to go to deep,..I mean it's important that it moves you, that it makes you know?..Even porn has to be good..are you catchin' my drift?..Well if you aren't fuck off my site..
Same as ..even if it's's gotta be good shit..ya knaa the score..again if you don't off you fuck..
William Shakesperare..The Complete Works// If This is a Man...Primo levi/ The Groucho Letters..Groucho Marx/ Magick ...Aleister Crowley/ The Liberation of The Male Race..Cosmo Smallpiece (Les Dawson)/ The Little Book Of Wisdom..Dalai Lama/Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee..Dee Brown
Che Guevara, William Shakespeare, Zach de la Rocha, Tom Morello, Leonard Cohen, Ghandi, Dalai Lama, Bill Hicks, Eddie Izzard, Lemmy, Steve Harris, Al pacino, Muhammad Ali, Bruce lee, Batman, Alan Shearer, Peter Beardsley, Laurel and Hardy,David Bowie,Sam Baker,Bob Dylan,Elvis,Ozzy Osbourne, Kevin Keegan, Tony Iommi..Oh and my Dad..