Tinashé profile picture



About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
My name is Tinashè - the accent is over the è for a reason... I turn green when people call me Tinash.... we don't want that.
Thanks for passing by my page and reading this...
I produce and write everything on this page myself... not trying to be cool or anything just thought you might like to know :)
I was originally shipped over from Zimbabwe so I could eventually grow to become a doctor/lawyer and wire money back home via Western Union, that didn't go so well... I blame/thank MJ.
I smiled & nodded to avoid bullying over my African accent at school until the Eastenders elocution lessons started to pay off... I can now slip in between both rather seamlessly...
I grew up in Hackney. I will always be a Hackney boy but I'm enjoying being in a state of flux. Life is bigger than London.
I'm currently more in love with my guitar than I have ever been.
I make guitar music. I am not ashamed to say l love pop music.
My goal? To make music that even your nan will love. That's what its all about for me. Good music fuelled by the world around me.
If you like what you hear and wanna bring your nan or anyone under 95 to a gig? go for it I'd be dead pleased be sure sure to say hi!
Contact details:
Management: [email protected]
For bookings please e-mail: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 11/18/2005
Band Members: Its just me, my guitar and the PC with 9 lives...

Influences: So many....

Currently really enjoying....

Salem Al Fakir
The Rumble Strips
Does It Offend You, Yeah?
Laura Marling
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Damn you chicken. Damn you to heck!

So it kinda went like this..... Got to Barking station way to early for the last train home. Smelt chicken... mmmm chicken - my only vice. Bought chicken - now feeling slightly worse for wear... When ...
Posted by Tinashé on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:37:00 PST

I think I might be Macgyver...

So last night I went out for part ll of my birthday celebrations and as usual I awoke with a pocket full of pound coins, a bad taste in my mouth and fewer brain cells. Is it me or do coins become le...
Posted by Tinashé on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 10:45:00 PST

Welcome to Basildon

So....I was flicking through some pics on my phone from last weekends Essex shenanigans  and I found this.  Yes... that’s a piece of kebab meat conveniently placed in the cash card slit.No... I ...
Posted by Tinashé on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 09:47:00 PST

Sorry for being lame...

I know it's been like a while since I last blogged - forgive me but, blame Transport for London's travel info call centre  - answering 150 calls per about how to get from point a to b  or explaining w...
Posted by Tinashé on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 02:45:00 PST

Sony Walkman ad.

Here it is guys.... its quite amusing. I pull some SERIOUS cheese faces where as everyone else is dead serious... Now I feel a right mug! haha.... One for the books though. http://www.walkmanproject....
Posted by Tinashé on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:18:00 PST

Me, Sony & The Bog

Hello my lovlies. Just thought i'd fill you in on this weeks happenings. I got a call on Sunday from my friend Ben asking if i'd like to be in a Sony Walkman advert. At first ...
Posted by Tinashé on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 06:04:00 PST

Last night my mobile saved my life...

Actually Last night. Last week and last month!   I recently purchased this little beatuy       No i'm not a phonemunger - & and I hate people who constanlty go on about mobile...
Posted by Tinashé on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 04:23:00 PST

Last night @ The Spitz

...was brilliant, its been a tough few weeks and after all the bull crap Ive been through with the "music biz" this year i can honestly say I remember why i love what i do. I promi...
Posted by Tinashé on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 03:15:00 PST

Road Rage 2: Go poh'poh (police)

Hey again... Little update. I'm chilled now and so is my mummy... thanks for the love and support guys. The babylon have been to do fingerprints on the car, they think they have something but they'll ...
Posted by Tinashé on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 07:42:00 PST

Road Rage

This is the most serious blog i've ever had to write... ever. This morning at 7.58 in the am, my mum left for work in her car. Not more than ten seconds away at a near by round about a car came&n...
Posted by Tinashé on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 01:55:00 PST