Band Goals:
Finding Core is determined as a Canadian band to enjoy making a lifelong career out of the music that they create and play.The goal is to make a living from selling albums, extensive touring, merchandising and band promotions. Finding Core isworking towards label representation, a publishing deal, and securing global distribution. "We want to have our music heardaround the world!"
The Music:
Finding Core’s music is described as and is labeled as Power Rock. The band has a very radio-friendly sound, featuringmelodic vocals, emotionally driven lyrics, powerful guitars, rhythmic percussion and sub sonic bass. Their foundation issolid; composed of musicians that have been deeply rooted in the music scene for well over a decade. Thanks to the widevariety of musical influences from each of its members, FINDING CORE has achieved a style and sound that bears very uniquequalities.
The combined efforts of each musician, their years of hard work and unyielding dedication to their music have culminated inFINDING CORE. Their goal is to perform their music to perfection, both live and in the studio, while sharing their love ofmusic with others of similar passion.
History/Live Experience:
Finding Core has attained many shows over the years, including many popular venues such as world renowned Harpos ConcertTheater, in Detroit Michigan, as well as Jeff Healey’s in Toronto. Their hard work has landed them on the same billwith popular bands like I Mother Earth, Great White, Quiet Riot, Seether, Default, High Holy Days, Ronnie James Dio, IanThornley, Anthrax, Fireball Ministry and more!
Recently, Finding Core acquired National attention, as participants in the Great Canadian Band Challenge. Climbing fromliterally hundreds of contestants across Canada, the band, through hard work, determination and the support of theircommunity and beyond, rose to the prestigious Top 5 placing, allowing them to perform live at The Hard Rock Cafe, downtownToronto. The event was broadcast worldwide to over 10,000 viewers via webcast, and recorded for a reality television seriesto air in the future.
Years of performing on the nightclub circuit has awarded each musician with the ability to interact with their audience. Assuch, this aspect of each performer was a prerequisite and has lent a helping hand in assembling FINDING CORE with the rightcombination of musicians and individuals.
Fast Facts:
Finding Core, without label representation of any kind, has performed with many International Recording Artists, both in theU.S. and Canada. They are becoming one of Canada’s highest endorsed, unsigned acts to date. Their music and videos have beenfeatured nationally on CHUM Television Network’s , “Old Autos Televisionâ€, as well as Internet and FM radio stations acrossthe country.
From July through September 2007, Finding Core has been featured over 6 times on prime time television news, has conducted 5FM radio interviews, and has been featured in a dozen newspapers.
The Concept:
So what is the concept behind the name FINDING CORE? The concept is "to find one’s inner self and being". FINDING COREis an experience. Be sure to get the experience when FINDING CORE comes to your area!
Are you interested in booking Finding Core for a show, birthday, party, etc.? Contact Sandra Lee by clicking here: [email protected]
Finding Core’s~Space is maintained by Sandra Lee
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