Jack profile picture


Lester Burnham was right.

About Me

If you really want to know a little about me, it's going to take a little effort on your part. I could tell you all my likes and dislikes, my dreams and wishes, my triumphs and failures, but that's too easy. Go read my blogs. That is who I am as a person. I express myself through my writing whether it be poetry or a political rant. Spend a little time getting to know me. You might find it interesting...or not. Oh, and by the way, Wednesday nights at Jerry's Bait Shop RULES!I Am

Which tarot card are you? Undirected Creative Force. Open, receptive, devoid of pre-conceived notions. Beginnings. A young man holding the white rose of innocence in his left hand and grasping a vagabond's staff and satchel in the other, wanders with his gaze to the heavens, about to step into an abyss. His is the transformative journey of the spirit from innocence through experience into wisdom. his guardian and friend is the white dog symbolizing his own puppylike trust and faith, for which the world labels him The Fool.

My Interests

Cooking, cultivation of interesting plants, music of all types, sports, late night movies, web surfing

I'd like to meet:

Mohammad Ali, Elvis, Bono, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, Mike Judge, Alan Ball, Jim Carroll, Lou Reed, Henry Rollins, Steve Hawking, Diane Ladd, Jenny McCarthy and that dog whisper dude.


My musical tastes range from punk, rock, pop, R&B and funk to Latin, Asian, Raggae and Irish folk music. The Beatles are still number 1 with me, with U2 and Todd Rundgren right behind. My two new favs are a Latin Band from Austin, TX; Del Castillo, www.delcastillomusic.com and a high energy punk band from San luis obispo, CA; New Tomorrow, www.newtomorrowmusic.com. These are two of the best live performance bands I have seen in years. Check out their sites and sample the music. These are two very special bands!


Outlaw Josie Wales, The Godfather, The Big Lubowski, Fargo, Pulp Fiction, American Beauty, A Christmas Story, Raising Arizona, Blazing Saddles, Cool Hand Luke, Diner, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Sling Blade, The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Sexy Beast, Kung Fu Hustle, Shoalin Soccer, God of Cookery and many, many more.


I love TV for the variety you can get with digital cable, such as news, weather and educational programing. I'm always on Discovery, TLC, History Channel, Food TV, CNN, CNNHN and MSNBC. Network TV still sucks. Boston Legal and Survivor is all I watch on Network TV. Thank goodness for HBO. One of the best series of all time was Six Feet Under on HBO. I also enjoyed OZ and the first few seasons of the Sopranos.


My little sister. Died at age 40. Knew she was dying for a year and yet never complained. She always thought about the needs of others right up to her last breath. She left us far too soon, but the impression she made on people will be with them until they leave this world. She had a positive impact on more people in 40 years than I will have if I live twice as long.

My Blog

Cold and Cloudy

Cloudy and ColdBy JackMy blankets wrap me in warmthI do not wish to emergeThe cold awaitsMy day must start I try to fight the urgeA cold day outside and in my soulThe gloom it fills my headThe clouds ...
Posted by Jack on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:36:00 PST

The Quest for Fungi

The second week of April signals the beginning of my annual search for the elusive wild morel mushroom. This wonderfully eidible fungus is as frustrating as it is delicious. They pop their distinctive...
Posted by Jack on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 09:00:00 PST

Love Sick

love sickby jackpulse quickensbreath deepensneck tinglesstomach tightenswhat sickness do i suffer love or just a crushjudgment is clouded my heart tells me hushhead floatingmind swimminghands shakehea...
Posted by Jack on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:15:00 PST

Please Lie

Please Lie By Jack My heart is starting to fracture My soul is starting to bleed Tell me that I meant something Tell me that you cared Tell me that it hurt you You know my heart is ba...
Posted by Jack on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 02:24:00 PST


Insomniaby JackThe tick of the clock is like a bass drum in my headSlumber will not find meMy mind races like a runaway freight trainPeaceful rest an impossibilityThe late TV show plays and mocks meMy...
Posted by Jack on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:35:00 PST


Tag So the rules are as follows: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits abo...
Posted by Jack on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 02:05:00 PST

Count down to Jam Night

OK Jerry's Baitshop lovers, this was inspired by the weekly count down to Jerry's Jam Night that the lovely Miss Linda shares with some of us each week . I love the count down. This is my tribute to (...
Posted by Jack on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:22:00 PST

The Evils of Marijuana?

This is my first blog entry. I'm usually not much of a "soapbox" kind of person, But I felt the need to address this issue. Marijuana, weed, pot, grass, the chronic, shit, reefer, doobie, whacky tabac...
Posted by Jack on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 10:30:00 PST