About Me
The 360s..
just one of the zillions of little bands..that were..
various 7 inch/ep..Texas(lemonrecords)
david peel/360s-Norml comp..Hempilation
live on pipeline/kimcheerecords
......Strawberry Stone Review07/13/2005 5:39 AM, AMGThe Boston-based 360's have a penchant for blending modern psychedelia (á la My Bloody Valentine/Swervedriver) and '70s retro glam/punk into a corrosive and fresh sound. Audrey Clark's sultry, cool, stoner vocals, along with Eric Russell's paisley-dipped-in-cyanide guitar, dominate songs such as "Dig U.S.A.," "Tripping With the Angels," and the pretty ballad "Wind Is Green." Other influences, like '60s fuzz-heads the Sonics, creep up in "Way Down"'s garage-oriented riffage. At almost 11 minutes, "Nighttime Angel Candy" is a plodding, lysergic-laced epic, with backwards guitar flying in and out of the mix. All spoken Patti Smith-esque poetry and howling feedback, it's blissfully haunting, although a bit heavy on the eyelids. It's part "1983 -- A Merman I Should Turn to Be, part Led Zep doom-and-gloom, and part "Revolution ..9." The song's excessive length could have been trimmed down, but don't all bad trips seemingly last forever? Steve Fisk produced this sonically varied but solid effort into a lethal concoction. No flower power crap here. ~ Jack Rabid, The Big Takeover, All Music Guide......
2 sisters with immense problems..
got our ciggs/books/CANDY..
walkman recordings from agoraphobic girls
Ian..plays guitar too!
suburban boredom and..plummeting..
lori spends a 3 day weekend-of recording
in audreys bedroom..radio shack walkman
a 2-trk. session followed-and live on wmbr..Pipeline
w/(bob dubrow/andy hong)-playing new songs including,
The Yard Of Blonde Girls....
Tinuviel-who started the Villa Villakula label in Boston-
to support women artists/friends-
What ever happened to..The pendulum Floors (ep)
and A kicking Good time..full length..cd.
live on pipeline/broadcast/WMBRsome gigs followed-thru 1997/8
we both continue writing together/apart..
..we are best friends..
Excerpts from lori's Psychogenic fanzine/assorted poetry..
kickin good time(villa villakula)cd
live from the bedroom/What ever happened to:Pendulum floors ep.
chimp rock comp-superman
live on WMBR.Pipeline!!!
Yard of Blonde Girls-Jeff Buckley(Sketches)
and Inger Lorre's-(Trans/medication.).
...... ......
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My Blog
Let me fix your hair-
in the mirror.
Go buy some cigarettes.
Yeah-you can read those postcards to my wife and girlfriend.
Mail them,will you?
Come here-you got such a naughty face.
a week later I was ...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:44:00 PST
stone carnations
Summer 2005..
Eric and i drove to Maine-to spend a weekend-w/Sean Slade.(produced:illuminated/supernatural)..to hang out/play some music..of course-we got lost/same road-over/over-don't believe in the...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:20:00 PST
ians room
la famila..recording at home..
pops/eee/i-have been making sounds in ians room-in between stirring sauce/playing w/ mcbarker-ill come in-do my guitar/parts-sing-..He bought a 8tk-tape recorder/some go...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 05:36:00 PST
live at THE RAT..
my friend Artie(director of film/videos/archivist- of Boston rock/punk music-throughout the late 70s-present)-is putting together a DVD of 360s live at THE RAT..
He has been documenting...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:12:00 PST
The switch...
My mind has a switch.All thoughts that come,are lucid hallucinations dissolved in a thought.They are moved by a force,triggered by a Switch.Sometimes all my thoughts suddenly stop.There ...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 05:34:00 PST
chapter 33/psychogenic
The leash is the problem..
I wandered through Old Burial Hill-the damp leaves covered in patches of snow.I leaned on one of the silver gravestones,and stared into the transparent ocean.
You must under...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 04:35:00 PST
psychogenic/chapter 32
I needed to record a daydream,and pressed down on the keys of my typewriter.I was drowning in pages of a thesaurus,pens and endlessly repeating thoughts."I'm a roller coaster,but I can mak...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 05:58:00 PST
The telephone is still.
Someone has left,
and the room empties
out into the silent air
but the hours bring you back.
The sound of your breathing
finding its way,
a place within its self.
words were sp...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 04:31:00 PST
psychogenic..chapter 22
Fitful sleep..
filled with metal winged insects-
and blood covered petals.
I shake under a candle
with aching limbs.
Faded moonlight
on my window shade
makes designs of strange apparitions.
I am my ow...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 03:48:00 PST
Architecture leads to madness..
along the beach,
sand castles
Ferris wheel cutting
circles of flickering multi-coloured light-
shattering distant images
seen through a spinning wheel.
A figure moves
along the bleak green b...
Posted by THE 360'S/PENDULUM FLOORS on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 04:50:00 PST