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Alfredo Gomez

Alfredo Gómez (guitarist, singer, composer)

About Me

Alfredo Gómez was born in 1952, in San José, Uruguay, but grew up in the neighboring town of Santa Lucía, Canelones. The son of Elías (Raúl) Gómez, a tango singer, who recorded with the Monzeglio tango orchestra in the 50's, Alfredo was exposed from an early age to tango, milonga and candombe music. Alfredo began taking piano lessons at age four, but at the age of eight he switched to the guitar. During his teenage years, he was part of the rock scene in Uruguay, playing lead guitar/voice with After Life, and bass/voice with Misión Tiempo. He participated in numerous rock bands together with Beto Satragni, Benjamín Medina, Carlos Irigoyen, Ricardo Sacco, Juvenal López, Armando Perez, Gastón Santurio and Jorge Arce, among others. Parallel to this, he kept performing with Benjamin Medina as an acoustic duo, and began writing songs lyrics and music. With Gastón Santurio (bass) and Armando Pérez (drums) formed Maitu Trio, bossa nova style group. At age 21, Alfredo moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he attended the Conservatorio Municipal Juan Manuel de Falla for a couple of years. In 1976, he formed the group Cantaliso, together with Kano Alonso, Cacho Tejera and Juan Descrescencio, pioneering the new candombe movement in Buenos Aires. The same year, Alfredo participated in recordings and live performances with author/singer Alfredo Zitarrosa, as a member of different guitar quartets formed by guitarists such as Ciro Perez, Vicente Correa, Gualberto López, Alfredo Sadi and Eleodoro Villada, recording El Candombe del Olvido, Mi Tierra en Invierno, El olor a Leña, and Tres Figureao (with the participation of Cecilia Todd.) During the following years in Buenos Aires Alfredo Gómez took part of recording sessions with Ma. Teresa del Corral, and Edda Garlando (under the direction of Virgilio Espósito). Also recorded a live album with Yabor, and was part of the band of author/singer Alejandro del Prado, sharing stage with musicians Hugo Romero, Binelli, and Horacio Mederos. Together with Jorge Nasser co-lead the band "Picado," performing original songs, candombe-milonga-rock style. In the 1980's after Zitarrosa returned from exile, Alfredo was part of his guitar quartet, and together with Naldo Labrin, Hugo Coria, Alberto Azcarate, and Alejandro Del Prado, performed and recorded live in the Estadio de Obras Sanitarias where Mercedes Sosa made an unexpected appearance on stage to sing Violin de Becho along with Zitarrosa. Alfredo went on touring Argentina with Zitarrosa. He was part of Zitarrosa's first live performance in Estadio Centenario, Montevideo, at his return to Uruguay, where Zitarrosa was accompanied by two different quartets: one from Argentina (Luis Chazarreta, Hugo Coria, Vicente Correa, Alfredo Gomez), and one from Uruguay (Cobelli, De los Santos, Mendez, A. Gomez) Alfredo Gomez was in both formations. In Buenos Aires, Alfredo Gomez worked with Zitarrosa on the creation of "Melodía Larga", today considered as one of his masterpieces. Alfredo Gomez also was part of the band that toured Uruguay with Jose Carbajal "El Sabalero", formed by Etchenique, Ferrero, Magnone and Jaime Roos, after his return from exile in Mexico. José Carbajal recorded one of his compositions, "Mi pueblo, Santa Lucía". For the past 23 years, Alfredo resided in Boston, Massachusetts, where he has performed and recorded as a guitarist/singer, and shared stage with renouned musicians such as Claudio Ragazzi, Hector del Curto, Fernando Huergo, Julio Santillan, Franco Pina, and singers Marta Gomez, Millie Bermejo, and Katie Viqueira, among others. He will start recording his album "Padretango" this summer (2008), featuring his original songs.

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My Interests


Member Since: 5/22/2008
Band Members: Tamboriles: (music by Romeo Gavioli, lyrics and arrangement by Alfredo Gómez) Alfredo Gómez guitars, drums and voice.Futuro: Alfredo Gomez: guitars, sete cordas, cavaquinho, cuban tres, voice. John Berman: concertina, sax, and clarinet.La Bohemia: Alfredo Gómez: concertina, guitar,voice. Claudio Ragazzi, keyboard, electric guitar, drums sampling.Todo Es Un Blues: Alfredo Gómez, guitars, keyboard, harmonica, voice.All songs lyrics and music by Alfredo Gómez, except lyrics on Futuro by Omar Adi.
Influences: Gardel, Zitarrosa, Sabalero, Viglietti, George Harrison, John Lennon, Pixinguinha, Mateo, Rada, BBKing, Ciro Perez, Gualberto Lopez, Vicente Correa, Ian Anderson, John Mayal, Roberto Grela, Virgilio Esposito, Cacho Tejera, Piazzola, Jobim, Clapton, Serrat, Caetano Veloso, Chico be continued...
Sounds Like: sounds like, like, you know, goes like da-da-da-deee-da-da-deee... and boom, tacatacatatacata, and then it ends...and if you play it again it sounds again like that...
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Amigos que yo quiero, escuchen este tango

Lo canta Rivero, debería haber averiguado antes de ponerme a escribir esto si la letra también le pertenece. No lo sé, pero no importa, realmente cualquier cosa que cante don Lionel le pertenece. La...
Posted by Alfredo Gomez on Sat, 26 Jul 2008 03:15:00 PST

Explicación de Tamboriles

Tamboriles pertenece a Romeo Gavioli, músico y compositor uruguayo ver ( ) quien falleció en 1957, suicidándose de una manera bastante espectacular, fecha en...
Posted by Alfredo Gomez on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 02:16:00 PST


Pasa el tiempo...y ahora, hoy, en este momento, llueve en una tarde que parece noche. Da placer, sin embargo, este instante que se parece a otros, que me hace pensar en las campanillas azules de la v...
Posted by Alfredo Gomez on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 01:17:00 PST

Hugo Potenza

Llama la amiga de un amigo, alguien que nunca llama, y uno ya sabe lo que pasó antes de que ella lo diga. Claro, Huguito venía peleándola desde hacía rato, no sorprende que se haya muerto. Duele nom...
Posted by Alfredo Gomez on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 06:05:00 PST


Dentro de quince días me queda todo el tiempo disponible para encarar arreglos y empezar a grabar. Lo más difícil es el arranque ya se sabe. Si estuviera en Montevideo todo sería más fácil, desde lue...
Posted by Alfredo Gomez on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 04:42:00 PST

hoy lunes

Lo mejor del día: conseguí calamares,pulpo, y queso brasilero, hablé por teléfono con mi hijo y mi nieto en Bahía Blanca hora y media y escuché música de todos mis amigos.Me acordé de haber estado con...
Posted by Alfredo Gomez on Tue, 27 May 2008 06:40:00 PST