Date de creation 1994.
Radio thematique pour tous publics. Format music et news. Journaux d'information locale et regionale en langue Reo Tahiti.Programmation musicale " musique des Iles " : musique polynesienne, musique du Pacifique (Nouvelle Caledonie, Hawaii, Fidji, Vanuatu …), reggae, zouk et world music.
Production evenementielle : concerts et spectacles divers.
Online since 1994.
Tahitian radio station for every public : music on air, local and regional news in tahitian and french.Influences : Island music, specially Tahitian music, Pacific music including Hawaiian, Vanuatuan, Fidjian, New Caledonia, Rapa nui... and also by Reggae from everywhere in the world !
Also manages live concert in Tahiti and many live entertainment.
Go & see all the programs on Air on TIARE FM on the blog !!
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