ice cream
laying in the sun
photographing everything
making connections
loud music
giving and recieving attention
smelling good
funky, cute, sexy hair
people with personality
all things nature
(except centipedes...)
sore muscles
luxurious living
collecting phone numbers
watching movies
puppies and kittens
If you're cute and you're smart, witty and down to earth, enjoy the simple things and aren't afraid to laugh at yourself then I would probably love to meet you. But in all actuality, I hardly want to meet any of you because you're all so damn far away. A select few of you definately make the list but for the most part, this is a sanctuary of shallowness and boredom. And it's pretty entertaining sometimes.
So lets keep it that way.
achangeofpace, actionaction!, adamgreen, afi, aggrolites, air, alexisonfire, all-timequarterback, ambulance ltd, analbatross, anberlin, annie, antiflag, aphextwin, applesinstereo, arcadefire, arcticmonkeys, areweapons, asilaydying, asthesunsets, atthedrivein, audiobullys, audition, avrillavigne, azureray, badplus, bearvsshark, beck, bedouinsoundclash, beepbeep, bees, belleandsebastian, benkweller, blackkeys, bled, blink182, bloc party, blonderedhead, boredoms, braid, BRIGHTEYES, britneyspears, brokensocialscene, builttospill, burningbrides, cake, cameraobscura, casiotoneforthepainfullyalone, catpower, chinesestars, circasurvive, chokingvictim, circletakesthesquare, coheedandcambria, colinhay, comebackkid, crackout, crystalmethod, cursive, daftpunk, dancedisastermovement, damienrice, dandywarhols, deadcitysunday, deadpoetic, dears, deathcabforcutie, deathfromabove, deerhoof, denali, depechemode, desparecidos, dillingerescapeplan, dinovelvet, easternyouth, elbow, elefant, electricsix, elliotsmith, enon, explosionsinthesky, faint, falloftroy, foreigner, frankblack, fromfirsttolast, fionaapple, freezepop, gangoffour, gerling, getupkids, girlsagainstboys, godspeedyoublackemperor!, harveydanger, hawksleyworkman, headautomatica, hella, hellogoodbye, hives, hotrodcircuit, huskerdu, icarusline, imarobot, interpol, jasonmraz, jeffbuckley, jellyfish, joelplaskett, joshuafitforbattle, keane, kellyclarkson, kingsofconvenience, kingsizebraces, kinison, kinks, KMFDM, k-os, ladytron, leftovercrack, letigre, lemonjelly, lifetime, lifewithoutbuildings, magnetalane, maharahj, marley, meligroveband, metric, mindlessselfindulgence, minusthebear, mirah, missionofburma, modestmouse, moldypeaches, movingunits, muse, mychemicalromance(old), ninasimone, neutralmilkhotel, normajean, notwist, number12lookslikeyou, ofmontreal, operationivy, panic!atthedisco, patrickwolf, peaches, pedrothelion, pinback, pinkgrease, pixies, plainwhiteT’s, pjharvey, placebo, portishead, postalservice, prettygirlsmakegraves, qandnotu, radiohead, ratatat, raveonettes, reginaspektor, remyzero, replacements, rilokiley, riseoverrun, robbersonhighstreet, rooney, rufuswainwright, saosin, satinpeaches, savestheday, secretmachines, scissorsisters, seaandcake, shewantsrevenge, shinytoyguns, shins, shuddertothink, sigurros, silverscooter, sixorgansofadmittance, softpinktruth, somebysea, songstowearpantsto, spacehog, spillcanvas, spiritofversailles, spoon, stabbing westward, stars, staygold, stills, streets, squarepusher, teganandsara, tenaciousD, throwdown, thrushhermit, tiesto, underoath, unicorns, used, vast, voxtrot, ween, who, wilco, withhonor, wolfparade, yesterdaysrising, yolatengo
28dayslater, hediedwithafalafelinhishand, irreversible, lifeaquatic, lostinstranslation, ytumamatambien
Can suck my ass.
i write novel-sized emails...
and a lot of repetitive poo
but dont get me wrong, im incredible and i'll totally woo your pants off 3