Music, guitar, drums, soundrecording, webdesign, webscripting, hanging out with friends, helping out people with my job, but mainly just YOU!
People who speak up for themselves and don't hesitate to speak out on issues. People who stand against the crowd for the sake of honesty.
I started out as a narrowminded musical personality. Everything had to sound like a certain cliché before I liked it. But I turned into all diferent styles of music just recently when I bought my new guitar. I figured it was about time I explored my boundaries on the thing and this attitude introduced me to other styles such as rock, blues, jazz, hairmetal, garage,... Although my main interest is still hardcore and the likes, my horizon got expanded quite a bit!
Oh yeah, support this cool Belgian band:
Only few actors catch my interest. One of them is the almighty "Sean Connery". Just take your time for 'the rock' and you'll know why!
The sucker I moved in with has TV. You just can't imagine how much time i've been wasting in front of that small screen...
Besides of some guitar related books or books about various designs, I haven't read many of them lately. If I do take the time in reading one, it has to deal with politics in a way... or Dan Brown: just love his work!
Les Paul for inventing the most incredible guitar ever! Horst Langer for being thé amp-genious