As for dealing with the price of gas sky rocketing. Well OPEC i would basicly say get lost. America would push harder to get away from oil. And i am saying this being a mineral rights holder. Yes the higher it goes the more i make. But believe me when i say, I still dont make near what gas cost. We have the technology to break away but it is the BUSINESS lobbyist that wont let it happen. Cause if it did the oil companies would loose their 3billion in profits per quarter. POOR things.well OPEC heres how america would do it. as for the oil in alasaka that is basicly all going to japan and other countries, well it will stay here, let them buy from opec and the muslims, we will keep our own oil and sell it off right here for what we feel it is keeping it here and not buying from Arab countries, we will be supporting our own country, not the terrorist, we will be able to lower the cost of gas drasticly cause we will control the cost. And until everything is figured out on using a different source if need be we will tap into the oil fields that are not even being used. America has enough oil in our own country to support ourselves, without paying the people that are trying to destroy our economy and country. Wake up America OPEC is just another name for an organized terrorist group that know if they keep going up on oil that America and other countries will shut down. So its time to push to get out of the oil crunch and start supporting ourselves. And if an oil company is not from america, YOU wont be allowed to pump in our waters, or our land, Just get out period. the money America would make by using our own oil, and selling gas cheaper would litteraly bring America back to the top of the countries, and jobs would be created by the tens of thousands.
I'd like to meet:
!!!!!!!!!!!! Rush Limbaugh on Imagration
As for insurance and taxes for the american people, first off let me just say that taxes will be removed and a new one put in to action, it will be a tax on those people and companies that want to take there money out of this country. People like movie stars that want to raise funds for people in other countries ( millions) Im not against helping people in other countries, but hello there are people in this country with the same problems, but yet you expect our gov. to fix it. So i would fight to impose a tax on that money that is taken out of this country. This country would make more on that tax then some of the pidily taxes we pay.And as for the big business that is taken out of this country so they can have cheaper labor, YOU will be taxed for that. I would fight to have a tax imposed that would be like this, If you are a business that is american based but your factory or your product is manufactured out of this country, you will be taxed hard for doing it. And there will be NO tax break for the rich, if you are rich, Then why do you need a break. And if the lobbist want to try and buy into make my laws not pass, i will then fight for a law that would make them illegal to do so. And basicly they are. The lobbyist basicly are bribeing congressmen to pass stupid laws to better their organization, or business, and I intend on making them pay for it. If they try to do it they will be arrested and the the money placed into a fund that then will be used to help the elderly with the insurance and meds.............
For one when it cost the pharmacies $2.10 to fill a bottle of lets say Claritine D and they sell it for $150.00 thats not business thats robbery. And you are robbing people in need. So it would be regulated to stop it. then you take away all the money spent on people crossing our borders to have babies then live off of the gov. guess what theres several mil for the insurance. I would fight to make it to where just because someone sneaks accross our border to have a baby and suck off our gov. doesnt make them a US citizen. And they dont deserve any benefits this gov. offers. Therefore more money is put back into the insurance fund to help those that need it and deserve it in this country. And yes the fund would be watched closely to keep politicans fingers out of it. In my opition America needs to stop the impoting of goods from american companies and go back to exporting those goods like it used to do. And if you are filthy rich it is time for you to share some of your wealth to help this country go back to the way it was when you were just getting started. You built your businesses in america the took it out to make a few extra bucks. Well bring it back or i will fight to take those few extra bucks and a little extra to put back into the american economy.
Thank You to the American Soldier
The truth, And EVERY american needs to sing along, and tell a soldier.
When i say bring back the land of the free, here is a hint of how the gov. has taken away our freedoms. When you get a speeding ticket, and sign it. Basically you just said,I am guilty, and released your self on a personal bond. So in other words, you are guilty until proven innocent. But if your illegaly here, most likely you are let go cause the police dont want to mess with , the INS and all the paper work. I see it everyday. I have also seen where in a United States court room, American citizens were told they had to wait until, the illegals that couldnt speak english were done. And 1 case the illegal had tickets for, no license, no insurance, no registration, or inspection. Well he pleaded no contest,So the judge said the fine was going to be $35 per violation, He claimed he couldnt pay it so the judge granted him payments of $5.00 a month. When an AMERICAN citizen came up for their ticket of speeding, and expired inspection, the judge said each violation was to be $250.00 and must be payed immediately or the lady would go to jail. So where is the justice for the American people, it seems to me the US gov, and justice systems is scared of other countries, and needs someone that isnt affraid to say GET OUT OR ELSE....................... Please read the movies section it is going to be the LAWS of Mexico. Why is it ok for them to say Americans arent welcome to do as mexicans do here.
Thank A Soldier
listen to this, then tell me if you dont feel proud of our soldiers. LOOK RIGHT NEXT TO YOU OBAMA THEN TELL US YOU WONT WEAR A FLAG. YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO AMERICA!
1 There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
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2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
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3.. All government business will be conducted in our language.
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4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.
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5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
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6 Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Any burden will be deported.
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7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
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8. If foreigners come here and buy land... options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.
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9.. Foreigners may have no protests; no demonstrations, no waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation.
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10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted &, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you..
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Harsh, you say?.......
The above laws are current immigration laws of MEXICO................................. So WHY should they be allowed to do it here, Can anyone answer that for me? They are even being allowed to vote in california!!!!!. Just so they can get what they want out of this country, and destroy it. In California i have seen videos of high school kids fly a mexican flag on top of an upside down American flag. WAKE UP AMERICA, ITS TIME TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK NOT GIVE IT AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Soliders died for the freedomS YOU HAVE......WAS THEIR BLOOD THAT PRICELESS TO YOU PEOPLE......... we know it was to our government, but the government was built for the people by the people, SO STAND UP AND TAKE IT BACK.... BEFORE IT GIVES THE LAST OF YOUR COUNTRY AND FREEDOM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW IF EVERY AMERICAN WERE TO DO THIS ONCE A WEEK, THEY WOULD LEAVE FREELY CAUSE THEY WOULDNT HAVE ANY WORK, EXCEPT HERES HOW I DO IT ( AND YES I DO IT) TAKE THEM TO THE BORDER PATROL AND CALL AHEAD TO TELL THEM YOUR COMING, IT IS ALOT OF FUN................Mexicans
Since my large bulletins dont seem to be going out there i will add it in here, this section will change from time to time to say things that Americans need to know.......... Well Americans WAKE UP. Untill America as a whole decides they have had enough of the beauocratic b/s that we have been putting up with for yrs now, nothing will change, unless of course Obombus gets in. then America will no longer be America. It might be Americo, Americana, or Ameriran ............ok folks after reading a bulletin i am going to post this...................................Here is my thoughts about what the FEDERAL GOV wants from us and asmerica as a whole................I read where the federal gov wants to turn out troops into UN troops.........Well thats part of the patriot act. It doesnt matter to them if it is passed or not, their going to do it anyway,,,the already said they didnt care about our constitutional rights, and show us everyday that they dont care,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to them you have no rights you have no control over what they do, they think they are above the law. because they have never been challenged,,,,,,,,,But I think now i know what is going on with the economy going like it is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The us gov,is so far in dept with an illegal entity that it cant get out. without hurting the american people..............................Well it happened before because of these people( the great depression)..........but this time here is their plans as i see it..............Run the american gov and people so far in dept that the only way to get out of it and pay off this fribulous dept is to hand over the worlds greatest millitary. then they will say, ok you are free of dept and can start all over,,,,,,,,, and to hide what we are doing to the american people we will call it the patriot acts. and do it in stages................And their doing it..............Thus removing all protection america has and the federal gov that is in charge of the UN forces, now has the worlds greatest millitary for itself...........Thus if americans want to fight them off we are defenseless, against them............and so is the world...................These people are ruthless enough to make our troops turn on us........and would if given the power to do so............They are slowly gaining controll already of our millitary, and so our elected officials will have no say about what they do...........In time they will be told to go house to house and tell every american take this chip or you will go to prison, or be killed........Welcome to the Micro chip that you but into your pets now,,,,,,,,,will soon be for everyone.... so they can see what everyone does.........Welcome to the mark of the beast (Revolations)You will not be able to buy food, work or trade without it,,,,, you wont be able to hide from them cause it is GPS....they can track everything you do, buy,sell or trade with it,,,its in the barcode is a self generating chip that cant be destroyed and is small enough to go through the eye of a needle and can be inserted into just the skin (forehead). and was developed for the federal gov.Call me crazy if you want, but this what i see coming for us, if we dont bring a stop to the federal gov. now while we still can!!!!!!!!!!!Im not backing Islam in anyway, but i think i am seeing why they call us and England, the land of satan,,,,,,,,,,,,Where they are wrong is that its not the people that are it is the federal gov........Maybe we need to draw a map for the terrorist that leads straight to the federal gov. And let them take them out for us. The American people are not the evil ones here, it is the gov that out of its own greed, and desire to be the most powerfull thing on earth. and we want it out just as bad.....................I really believe that what happened in michigan with the democratic voting was just a taste of what is going to happen this election................I believe the votes will be manipulated byt the federal gov. since they also have controll of them,,,,,,,,,, and no paper trails to track,,,,,,,,,,,they intend on putting obama in it,,,,,Why,,,,,,,,, because he is the most unamerican politician we have ever had. He is will to give the federal gov what they want, at the blink of an eye,,,,,,,He doesnt care about america, so why would he care what it does to the people of America..............You want change??????? we will get change alright..........................We will be dictated by the federal gov.......................
.............................OK FOLKS HERE IT IS...........After viewing the videos i have on here and really thinking about what i have seen and heard i have come to realize this........... tell me if im wrong........ I want to know if you think i am..........but here is what i think.........Ok If you watch the videos and listen to them here is what is going on. It is what i had an idea about, was going on but didnt think it was as bad....Well its worse...........Our freedoms are already gone.......We say we are free,,,,, but free to do what..........Incase you didnt understand one part of it, Your constutional rights were taken away by the gov......So what exactly are we free to do, besides run our mouths,,,,,,,,, they dont listen, they already proved that........and incase you didnt notice, and this is the real kicker,,,,,we have 2 governments. YES 2
We have a national gov. that we get to vote in who runs it, AND DO HAVE SOME SAY OVER SOME OF WHAT THEY DO........But we still have another gov........ But if you pay attention to when you are at the voting polls, or hearing about politics,,,,,, YOU DONT HEAR ABOUT ELECTIONS FOR THE PEOPLE THAT RUN THIS GOV. THIS GOV. IS CALLED THE FEDERAL GOV. You do not vote in anyone that runs it, they are hand picked by WHO. You do not know who is in charge of this gov. You do not know where they are really located, or who is even really the representitives or anything.....And they dont want you to know...... it is basically the gov that runs our gov. And in time the gov. we elect in will no longer exisist. It is the gov that controls our economy, it is the gov. that tells our gov. what to tax for. and how to do it. and it is the gov. that is causeing America to go broke. In countries where they dont have control yet. they are doing great. Their gas is cheaper. Their goods are cheaper, And as a whole they are content. Because they wouldnt allow this type of gov. into their country. Right accross the border from california, where gas is around like $5.00 a gal or more. in tiawana it is $2.25There is only 1 mile of diffence between them and gas is half price.... It is not president Bush's fault for the price of Gas, he wants us to drill for more oil, look at my pictures for the is the federal gov, and The democrats causeing it.......They are for big business, thats why they want, and are paying big bucks to get obama in. The federal gov is a big business and nothing more. that steals from all americans, by makeing you believe they are logit. WELL THEIR NOT, WATCH THE VIDEOS AND LISTEN...... THEY ARE AS UNAMERICAN AS OBAMA IS,,,,,,, AND THEY WILL GO TO WHATEVER LENGTHS IT TAKES TO GET HIM IN.......... EVEN IF THEY HAVE TO MANIPULATE THE ELECTRONIC VOTING.......... AND THEY WILL DO IT BELIEVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They already did in michigan but were caught...................In my thoughts here is their plan.......Run america as broke as they can, get rid of the middle class, so all you have is rich and poor..........Let the world see just how bad off america is............using the liberal media to show the world that america is broke.................Then they will all of a sudden make things all better ( like they did in the 30's the great depression) and show the world just how good they can be, since after all, in the worlds eyes Bush caused it all, not the federal gov. Thanks to the MEDIA .... The national gov. caused it all. Then they can walse into the other countries and say look what we did, and we can do it for you too...,..........Welcome to the one world order, or gov............We are their ginny pigs.............LIARS.......................Think about this if you dont believe what those videos say. Where did this gov come from. and why would our gov create a gov. to run them. The federal gov. is Illegal, it is a business, not a gov. and if our gov really wasnt scared of it, we could take our millitary stand in front of the federal reserve building and throw them out.It really wouldnt be as hard as people think to take our freedoms back, stop paying taxes, and accually be a free country like we started off as.............If something isnt done, they will take complete control of this country, where you have no say of what they do. Every year they pass laws to gain more and more control of the elected gov. So that we the people have less and less say over what happens to us...........When i say wake up america i mean............ WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!! the time has come and the truth is out, so they are going to try and run us as broke as they can so we will want to give into what they want just like they did to us in the great depression.............If Americans as a whole decided we are not going to give into you. And i mean as a whole, every single one of us...............we could put them out of business forever...........they want us to believe we cant survive without them....... because of the worthless green paper they print............well if america controlls those printers, and take our gold back .........we control it not them........ we no longer have to pay taxes, which is against our constitutional rights.........If you dont believe it go read them. And our elected officials are nolonger controled by a monoply of bankers that just want total control of this world we live in.............All we really need is President that is willing to tell them you are nobody, I am the president and this is what im telling you to do,,,,,,,,,GET OUT................................................An worst of all, what about the so called freedoms our millitary people have died for, where they the freedoms of the federal gov. they are the only ones truely free to do as they please in this country. And they do it at the cost of our lives. The federal gov. is not a caring gov...........All they care about is money, and money after all they are bankers, and big business owners. and thats it......
American Marines,Navy, Army, and Air Force men and women, they are willing to pay the ultimate price for our Freedom
"American Soldiers... You'll Never Walk Alone."