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About Me

who am I?! I don't know, but I'm freak, it's enough XD!!!!

My Interests

I'm interested in arts, graphic, design, books, travel, comics, videogames, music, oriental cultures (especially Japanese), psychoanalysis, and others, but are too much XD

I'd like to meet:

all interesting people :)


all kind of music! the important is that's good music :P This answer is because I didn't want to write all the artists that I like as deftones, skunk anansie, skin, bloc party, miss kittin, Gogol bordello, daft punk, jamiroquai, fantomas, aphex twin, sigur ros, fatboy slim, maximo park, massive attack etc...)


fight club, l'odio, il favoloso mondo di amelie, requiem for a dream, matrix, pi greco and.... as before eheheh


generally I don't watch tv


all books by chuck palahniuk, banana yoshimoto, isabella santacroce and all books about my interests...

My Blog

Collezionando...Scusate il delirio!!!

Da qualche tempo ho una strana passione! Collezionare cose, ma non oggetti qualsiasi, ma solo cianfrusaglie assolutamente, tremendamente, temibilmente BRUTTE!! No ma io dico, esistono degli ogget...
Posted by MartozzA on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 04:29:00 PST

Loco Roco... parla da solo XD

Guarda questo video: Loco Roco ..Aggiungi al mio profilo | Altri videoNon ho parole per descrivere la bellezza di questo videogioco!!! è semplicemente favoloso!!! guardate che facce quei p...
Posted by MartozzA on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 06:13:00 PST