Mae-Bea profile picture


PIP : Private Investigator of the Paranormal

About Me

I ♥ My Ghosts....

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So far this is my best EVP . Recorded in my dining room as I was trying to get the "ghost" to move a scrabble tile . Sounds like I had 2 as company that morning .
Ghost Hunters Prayer
So far the new house has been quiet . The only thing I've actually "caught" is this orb . Although orbs are not my thing , the name Anna was typed onto notepad one night .

This was from my latest trip to the cemetary .

Please visit Operation Freedom Furlough .

My day job is buying junk and selling Fine Antiques .
Ebay Junk Here
I have a few things listed on ebay .
By night I am a Paranormal Investigator . Are there ghosts in these hills ?? Yes , there are !All photos are my personal property . Please do not repost them or send them anywhere on the internet . Blog photos are especially personal , only viewable by those on my friends list .
I have added new pictures of my Ghost Family . In my picture section .
Do you have a Ghost or other Paranormal activity at your house ? Do you know someone who does ? Please feel free to contact me . I will investigate it with no cost to you . It does make you feel better knowing who your roomates are !
I understand how you feel , I live in a haunted house too .
Please be cautious about ANY group offering to rid your house of Ghosts for MONEY , and lots of it . Sincere and legitimate organizations do not charge for helping you .
I am looking for people in the Ludlow , Cavendish , Proctorsville area who are interested in investigating the Paranormal . I am lining up investigations , and I need a few extra hands . Equiptment helpful , but not necessary .
My 5 year old ?

This photo was taken March 29 . It looks like a lot of children .

This photo was taken as I was leaving a home built in the 1700's .
Taken at my old apartment one day when my cat ( the tri color one was acting crazy . I do not have a yellow and white cat ( in the background ) nor do I have a Toddler ( under plant with pigtails ).
This is my Soldier . I really do miss him :)

My Interests

I also read Tarot Cards . If interested in the Tarot , check out these forums .
I welcome all Friend Requests . Although I do look at profiles before I add . If your profile is Private , I'd appreciate a note . At least to let me know why you are adding me :)My old house . Check out the roof .

"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the centre of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this centre is really everywhere, it is within each of us."Black Elk

For all of the Haunted Widows , Widowers , and anyone who has lost a significant other . Come join my new group . The Dead Husbands Society . A place to talk about problems , society , and those little things that make you think you are not alone !

Dead Husbands Society

spooky comment codes Please check out these great comment glitters at Ruffhouse Glitter Page .

Okemo Mountain in Ludlow , Vermont is Radioactive . Does this give our Ghosts energy to work with ??

I'd like to meet:

People who have somewhat the same interests as me . Easy going and with a sense of humor .


I enjoy all kinds of music .

at or . Check them out !


" Fright Night " ....What can I say besides ...Bite me , PLEASE ! " The Others "...What if that is really the way it is ??"Sixth Sense" ...HMmmm , makes you think . " The Last of the Mohicans"....One of the best movies I've ever seen ." Constantine "..."Pirates of the Carribean "...Big surprise there , huh ?I'll add more later ....


MUST see TV ...Rituals : Coming to a TV near you :)
I do enjoy watching
Ghost Whisperer .
Taps .
I just discovered " Dead Like Me ". It cracks me up ! Now I know how Grim Reapers work .


Anything by:
Joe Citro . If you plan to visit Vermont , read " Guardian Angels" first ! You may change your mind .
Of course Stephen King
and Whitley Streiber .


Please visit this website .
Operation Freedom Furlough

My Blog

Rituals ...Coming soon to a TV near you

This is the trailer for a new TV show . I'm sooo proud of all of you and can't wait to see it .  ...
Posted by Mae-Bea on Sat, 26 May 2007 05:58:00 PST

Phantams of 1927 Flood Ludlow Vermont

In Nov. of 1927 , there was a horrendous flood in Vermont . Ludlow was particularly hard hit . The entire area was a Nationally Declared Disaster Zone . My house sits just a bit uphill from the Black ...
Posted by Mae-Bea on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 09:24:00 PST