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About Me

Character Actor, Drag Queen, Disco Diva, Superstar !

Often referred to as "the most beautiful woman in the world" by his millions of fans worldwide, Harris Glenn Milstead was in fact a man. One of the greatest Drag performers of all time, Divine paved the way (beginning in the late sixties) for RuPaul, Shirley Q Liquor, Lady Bunny, Girlina and the thousands of other female impersonators around the globe.

"He was the Drag Queen of the Century. He called himself Divine and he was proud of his creation: a unique and hilarious high-camp cartoon, a Miss Piggy for the blissfully depraved. But he dreamed of the day when at last he would be seen as a gifted actor who could animate any number of fascinating characters." -- People (1988).

My Blog


Hello, I'm Ronnie Bruno, a huge fan of our beloved DIVINE. I first heard of Divine not through his movies but through his music. I saw him on the cover of Jungle Jezebel in 1984 (I was a sophomore in ...
Posted by DIVINE on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 01:35:00 PST