Fraser is pretty much done with myspace profile picture

Fraser is pretty much done with myspace

It's seven.

About Me

I am a person who used to be much more active on myspace. I had a weekly blog, and I would send out bulletins, and respond to comments. Unfortunately, none of that really happens anymore. This is more of a reference page. Hello, here I am!
If you left a comment, and I didn't respond, I apologise. I'm sure you are a good person, and I very much appreciate your support. It's just that this site has become a little more than I can handle. I'll be doing a few shows here and there over the summer, but I probably won't post any of the dates because I am an asshole.
I'm on Facebook a little more regularly these days, if you want to add me there. In the meantime, I still invite you to buy my CD.
To pick up a copy, you can either come out to a show and buy it from me directly for $15, or get it off my website for $17. The extra $2 is because I love you.

If you are desperate to get your hands on the CD, but are dead set against meeting me or going to my website, you can pick up a copy at Sonic Boom in Toronto (Bloor/Bathurst), or at Sonic Temple in North York (Yonge/Empress). I will update this list as new locations come in.

I am also a visual artist. I have several of my drawings posted in my picture area. If you like what you see, please do not just download the image and print it. Contact me directly about purchasing the original. The prices are listed and they don't include shipping and handling.

My Interests

Sticking it to the man. Doing what I'm told.

I'd like to meet:

People who are willing to tell me about themselves (like whether they prefer single or group dates, or if they've ever made out with anyone in their top 8).
People who will let me know when they have new pictures up, ready for comments.
People who will add me, and then threaten to drop me if I don't repost their bulletins.
These are my people.

Also, would it kill you to send a message with your add request? I'll probably add you either way, I'm just saying I'd prefer to get a message first. Your father and I care about you very much, and it would be nice to hear from you once in a while.

Fraser has a friend in Jesus.Jesus

Jesus Christ

Jesus H Christ

Jesus of the 21st Century

the jesus





George Harrison's "I've Got My Mind Set On You." All those other bands can just fuck right off.


Whatever everyone else likes. I don't want any trouble.


Television is for idiots. Any shows I like, I will just get the DVD - Yes Dear, According to Jim, Two and a Half Men, Maury Povich, When Animals Attack. If you watch anything else, you are wasting your time!


Do movies with subtitles count as books? What if I make a page turning noise every time the scene changes?


Indie music fans who wear tight, ironic t-shirts. You are the reason I live and breathe.

My Blog

The Issues of the Day

So Friday started much the same as any other morning. I woke up, took 3 showers and then settled in to watch the view. Then I went on the message boards to discuss the issues for a while. Once everyon...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:17:00 PST

Not my finest hour

Let's not mince words, I lost to a retard. Afterward, I sat and wondered "how is that possible? This kid can't even tie his shoes without partially-choking himself, and yet he just schooled me at Bogg...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 08:25:00 PST

Don't waste your time reading this - seriously

My brain has been poisoned and nearly caused me to forget about my life-changing words. Although I was able to fight through somewhat, the sad news is that it has damaged the part that is responsible ...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 08:54:00 PST

I just can't catch a break

Honestly, what's the point of running a betting scam if everyone is just going to fuck you right in the ass? Every year I lose my March Madness pool. Every goddamned year! So this year, I concocted a ...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:50:00 PST

I'm barely alive

I wouldn't believe it if I didn't live it. Actually, I'm still not sure that I do believe it, and I actually DID live it. That's how crazy it was. It was almost like a tornado came in, picked me up, a...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 07:58:00 PST

Getting a little ahead of myself

Well, last night was the night we were supposed to move the clocks ahead. I had an important meeting this morning and, in the past, I've forgotten to change my clock right before bed, so I figured thi...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 08:28:00 PST

It was wonderful

Oh dear, did I ever have a doozy for this week. It was informative, funny, and heartbreaking all at the same time. It explained the origins of the universe in such a way that anyone could understand, ...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 08:07:00 PST

Bit of a miscalculation

I've got an extra door now. It's crazy because I was sure I had it all counted right. I was doing my weekly count of doors and doorways, and it was a little off. I should have suspected the numbers we...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:47:00 PST

Getting back into shape!

I must admit that I have strayed from my vigourous regimen over the past few months. Whether it is battling fatal viruses, facing death sentences, or getting locked in bathrooms, something always seem...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 01:39:00 PST

I am a pious man

I have learned much in my travels over the years. Now that I have been to Moncton, however, I have finally realised what true learning really is.Upon arrival in Moncton (or monk town, as it is referre...
Posted by Fraser is pretty much done with myspace on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:10:00 PST