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I'm a pot activist, a project coordinator, a princess and a harlot. Life is fun!!!Myspace Layouts by
I'm a pot activist, a project coordinator, a princess and a harlot. Life is fun!!!I have so many marijuana, marijuana laws and policy are a passion of mine, i love to read, i enjoy music and am a big movie buff. I'm also a burlesque performer with The Shameless Dames
A pot activist who like busy high maintence harlots. :) Actually i love meeting new of the reason's i'm so busy, so drop me a line :)
i have the most ecclectic music tastes of anyone i know weel besides Hair anyways :)
Too many to mention but the biggies are Fight Club, Bladerunner, Psycho, anything by Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarintino, and Peter Greenway
Weeds, 6 Feet Under, Dead like Me, Kink.....showcase anyone?
This i could fill...Tom Robbin's Still Life with Woodpecker is the greatest book of all time!! Chuck Paliniak, Hunter S Thompson, Irvine Welsh, Gregory McGuire, Sylivia Plath, Niami Wolfe,Poppy Z Brite, etc, etc...i'll read a cereal box if it's got good plot or character developement
i'm such a Mom...She rocks!! and my friends who through love and compassion make the world a better place :)