KC CHAOS profile picture


I'm declaring this national stick out your tongue month. Yep, you heard it here first.

About Me

Extended Network Banners This is my man, Bill on aerial line patrol....working hard or hardly working? Yeah,...chasing coyotes?? Hmm? Hmm??
Please click here to listen
My dad with our hawk, HawkEYE.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I'm KC Chaos, AKA "Drummer" real name is Kasey, added the "C" which stands for 'Calf Comes Out' my native name. I was actually named after Casey Tibbs, the famous Bull Rider...and you know if I was a boy my name would have been 'Bundy Allen' LOL how funny is THAT?? Some of you know me and have been wondering where I've been. Let's just say I fell off the face of the earth for a while in search of myself and the meaning of it all, but I'm back now and have been finding a lot of you right here on myspace and for that I'm thankful! Originally from ND, I have a younger brother, we were raised on a farm, I started drumming and singing in grade school, decided I wanted to join the Army like my Dad did, but certain circumstances prohibited this from happening. Became a red belt (one stripe away from blackbelt) in the martial arts(Taekwondo), but ended it when my instructors told me I had to teach because of the impact of female influence, however, I was only in it for the knowledge to begin with so I hung it up because I didn't feel I had control over my own destiny. I started a band with my cousin in high school called "Results Of Inbreeding" we played some shows, had some fun. Went into the studio to record our first demo, it was an interesting experience and worth the effort. Didn't hang with my classmates very much, hung out with the bar-aged crowd,..seen many a bon fires, snuck into many a bars, good times,..good times,...after graduation "Results Of Inbreeding" broke up to persue school. I myself opted NOT to go to college, since school never struck me as fun. Got to go to Girl's State where we learned about government and the judicial system, it was a great experience but after being locked up with thousands of other girls, I actually started to miss the opposite sex, LOL auditioned for a drum cadence during a flag ceremony on graduation day and got it which I knew I would. It was awesome to see ALL these girls in the same spot dressed in white, so much white it was blinding. I Worked as a loborer-painter on the Minot AFB for a construction company. After graduation I became the published author of a poem called 'My Love' then went on to working as a telemarketer, moved into my own house, and auditioned for a ring girl position for the UFC fights at the 4 Bears Casino, made a nice pile of cash and all I had to do was lead the fighters to the ring in a 2 piece ,..could life get any easier? I was asked by the teams to go on the road with them because of my Taekwondo background and female influence once again LOL, but opted to stay behind to further my music path. It was a tough decision, I really wanted to go to California to see the ocean. A year later I was invited by the events coordinator to enter for another ring girl position for boxing this time and made not quite as much coin as the first time but still was the fastest, easiest, money Iv'e ever made and had fun doing it. After a few run-ins with the law, LOL, I felt I should hit the road and see the world before I died and my prayers were answered when I met a kind man, originally from S.Dakota, who built electrical substations for a living who asked me to travel with him. I left with him. We lived in a 5th wheel and went where the jobs were..Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, then(Parker) Lake Havasu, AZ for a year where we bought a boat and played on the water with the spring-breakers,..good times. I started working at the substations, too, tieing rebar, building forms, digging cable trenches, and pulling cable. Very cool job, very nice pay. Got to see a blue arch for the first time, the tingle of the static and hum and buzz of the high voltage as you walk in the yard is incredible! It was here that I became preggo with our first-born, our boy, who was born in California and because he was a preemie(born too early) had to be flown to Phoenix, AZ and stayed in Thunderbird neonatal ICU for a solid month. We were flown back to Havasu and he was on a monitor for his breathing. (He turned out to be a healthy, normal little boy). We moved to Colorado, lived in the Denver area about a year, still in the 5th wheel and I was preggo once again (with my daughter). The Colorado job ended and while on our way to the next job in Brookings, SD I could stand the pain no longer and (born in Brookings), she too was early but healthy. Shortly there after is when I pulled the plug on the whole "traveling in a 5th wheel with 2 babies and a yellow lab" thing. We bought our first home in the Sioux Falls, SD area and love it here. I'm a stay at home mom and an Independant Cosmetic Beauty Consultant.

My Interests

.. Now Icons On our way to HillTop Bar - Ross, ND 2006 I dressed way too warm for this bike ride...wasnt as cold as we thought It'd be.************************************ Sioux Falls, SD The Cage Inc. Cage Fights Sept. 2, 2006The Cage Inc. Fights and SF Derby Dollz....Nov.17,2006 ****************************************** My Ring Girl GiG with Dan SevernWhat is my nationality? My grandmother on my father's side is full German and my grandmother on my mother's side was full Hidatsa Native American. My interests include anything artistic, or visual, of course. I love cinema. I'm fascinated by European architecture, the beauty and history of it. I love eyes and my attention is focused on eyes...they truly are the windows of our souls. I have an attraction to forensic science and crime scene investigastions, I indulge in the outdoors, I love to be active, (I guess I'm part tom-boy) I think it's great to "rough-it" when camping, and to say, "screw the tent" and just sleep under the stars and take it all in. I was in awe of the beauty of Estes Park,CO and was refreshed after the few months of living up there. I would love to write a book about my adventures, my mistakes and personal triumphs and tradgedies,..I've seen some things, and I feel I've already experienced twice as what the average person undergoes in a lifetime. It's only made me a stronger, more awake individual. Oh my God are you still reading this?..well congradulations!! I'm intensely connected to my intuition and allow it to sometimes guide me. Even though I'm a nice person, I tend to trust NO ONE. Not our government, not the courts, our neighbors, and basically anyone with power or control. I myself have always been a leader. I would die before I followed and don't tolerate those who do. Be yourself, use your best judgement, and do what your heart tells you.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone...This is Jason 'Mayhem' Miller. He's my friend and can be yours too so add him! And yes, this is the REAL Mayhem Miller, he is super Kool! Leave him a comment telling him "KC Chaos" sent you! He loves comments!
Free video hosting, video codes at www... Interesting people, colorful people, happy people, poetic people, near and far away people, day people, night people, animal lovers, hard workers, bikers, actors, models, musicians, artists of all avenues, you, you and you!!...Everyone.

Add Forrest You Guys!! He's one of my Favorite Fighters!! Click Here!! ADD Justin Levens while you're at it aka "Egokiller" also the REAL Levens very nice guy just dont fight him...he's THE HEAVY-est hitter I know!!! DAYYUM!!! Something special from a secret admirer,...ooh laa laa... Raven Jake's book, 'Messiah Of The Fallen Earth' Get yours today. Thanks Jake and everyone at Primal Sin, Click his banner here for more info.


As a little kid I thought Sting and David Bowie were such good looking men. Later, I would be admiring Adam Ant's facial structure and slight overbite. I was intrigued by Boy George, and thought he was a chic for the longest time, but admired him just as much when I found out he was a dude. When grunge hit the scene everything changed. The earth shifted and I was in love with Pearl Jam and Nirvana. I developed a "soft spot" for The Red Hot Chili Peppers not just for the charisma or the talent but the brother-hood. I always felt a connection to that particular band and still to this day, don't know exactly what it is. Are you still with me?? AW HAW that's right, you keep reading...I like my own personal music to carry melody in a huge way, not so much screaming and choking. I'm into darker rock, with a goth look. I'm into industrial-rock sounds, which I haven't been able to dispaly as of yet since I'm without a band. Currently I am wanting to form a TOOL tribute band or at the very least something close to that type of sound but none the less original. I like punk for the attitude and visuals, or stage antics but I personally would allow the music to "breathe" by not having every song in cut 4/4 timing like most punk diddies. I'm all about the tribal beat, with the whining guitars, and unheard of or unusual instruments. I appreciate MTV for all it's done over the years but man, It's really gone to shit. It's hardly music anymore.


Resevour Dogs, From Dusk Till Dawn, Pulp Fiction, Natural Born Killers, Suicide Kings, basically anything Quentin Tarrantino, he has a sick twisted mind much like my own, Anything Rob Zombie, The People Vs. Larry Flynt, The Doors, The Crow, American History X, The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, SWF, U-Turn, Dead Calm, Interview With A Vampire, Donnie Brasco, Blow, The Big Blue, Matrix, Point Break, Silence of the Lambs, 8MM, The Score, Hannibal, Red Dragon, Kalifornia, Edward Scissorhands, Leminy Snicket's for it's abstract and beautiful imagery, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder, Mary Poppins, Actor's I like are Edward Norton,(you are so hot), Sam Rockwell (I want you), Robert Deniro, Meryl Streep, Juliett Lewis, Johnny Depp, The Wilson brothers, Sean Penn(hey call next time you come to Madison, dammit!!), Clint Eastwood, Elvis, Chris Farley, Mel Gibson, Adam Sandler, Mike Meyers, Rob Schneider, Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, David Spade, Dennis and Randy Quade, ALL the Arquettes, Christopher Walken, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, Steve Martin, John Candy, again so so many I adore, I can't continue I am exhausted, how about you??


A&E, Court TV, IMF Music I'm a Myspace watcher


Anthony Kiedis', 'Scar Tissue'My Drums. They are in disarray, covered in toddler fingerprints and sheetrock dust, these are my beloved drums,..and yes all you guitar players I still have my amp! Not sure WHY!!!


Men and Women soldiers who serve our country. Those who put their lives on the line for our safety and freedom. Police, Firemen, EMT's...Thanks to all of you brave souls............. and mayhemmonkeys:.. width="425" height="350" ..OK, you guys have been bugging me for more pics, so here's a few. More to come later.
Free video hosting, video codes at www... The Red Hot Chili Peppers. There is no audio for this. I put it on here for it's visuals of life in the studio.

My Blog

The Sports Page and THE DOLLZ and Outdoor Show

Friday Jan. 19th Flip Cup Tourney/Spank-a-Doll Fundraiser and Sat. Jan. 20th Outdoor Show................................................... http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=0AZs2zlm5ZMW. ..
Posted by KC CHAOS on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 03:33:00 PST

Sioux Falls Derby Dollz Fundraiser Pics @ LAVA Lounge

OK so I still don't know how to put pictures in blogs so SUCK IT!!! haha So uhhh, earlier that day (Saturday Dec. 2nd) we had our photo shoot which was a blast those pics we'll get to see later, like ...
Posted by KC CHAOS on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 07:56:00 PST

Somerset, WI---Us Tubing the Apple River

We went to Somerset, WI over the weekend to camp and tube the Apple River...we had a blast, it was my first time there and I'm planning on going every year now! We met some very kool people, everyone ...
Posted by KC CHAOS on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 04:24:00 PST

Please Read...and Join This....I did!!

Hey Everyone!! Here's the deal. If you like Myspace and wish to keep it you can add this group and help along with law enforcement and fight the war against missing persons and criminals on myspace an...
Posted by KC CHAOS on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 01:47:00 PST

My Mother's Day Gift...a locket and Alice Cooper in the flesh in Alice, ND (No Kidding)

While in North Dakota I recieved word from my man that Alice Cooper was coming to Alice, ND...he heard this from his co-worker who was in one of the bands that would be playing for the event. The ...
Posted by KC CHAOS on Wed, 17 May 2006 07:55:00 PST

MadRock Pub Pictures Of Us Partying

Friday night we went to the comedy show which was funny as hell, and that T-shirt would look totally rad on me....I started the night off with raspberry martini, then switched to bud lites, then we we...
Posted by KC CHAOS on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 01:30:00 PST

This weekend pics...

Here is the link for the party at Coconut Joe's, we did it up VIP style for Reed "Big Johnson's" Birthday. It was nice to meet you all finally,..silly cute boys, crazy sexy girls and one awesome ...
Posted by KC CHAOS on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 12:11:00 PST

Party with KC!

Hey you guys, just wanted to let you know I have access to and sell the world's most popular cosmetics, colognes, perfums, and skin care products for men and women.My products are cruelty-free, NO ani...
Posted by KC CHAOS on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:36:00 PST