Loopy profile picture


I dare you to tell the lead singer his shirt is unbuttoned!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dudes in bands playing sweet riffs and shit brah! and R KELLY


Old skool shit, Black Sabbath, Dio, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Minor Threat, Blag Flag, Misfits, Dead Kennedys, Clash, Subhumans, Bad Religion, Slayer, Metallica, Suicidal Tendencies, Anthrax, Eater, The Dickies, SSD, Inside Out, The Avengers, APPLE , Crass, Subhumans, X ray specs, Agnostic Front, Nuclear Assault, Pentagram, Cro-Mags, Naked Raygun, Gorilla Biscuits, Sick of it All, Bad Religion, NOFX, The Effigies, DRI, YOUTH BRIGADE, Misery, Assuck, His hero is Gone, Code 13, Destroy, State of fear, Ditched, Rain, Pillar, Disembodied, Harvest, Krakatoa, Threadbare, Coalesce, Integrity, Hatebreed, Snapcase, Holding On, Refused, Melvins, Mr Bungle, Murder city devils, New skool shit, From ashes rise, Kylesa, Lamb of God, Mastodon, High on Fire, Artimus Pyledriver, Stinking Lizaveta, Converge, Tragedy, Dillinger escape plan, Red Chord, The End, Fantomas, Tomahawk, Mens Recovery project, His Hero is Gone, Leftover crack, Weedeater, Baroness, Asschapel, Limp Wrist, Big Business, Propaghandi, Municipal Waste, Lots of local bands here is the short list, Dillinger Four, Holy ghost riders, Complete Waste, Qeustion, Twenty Seven shots, Fits of Fury, Fomaldyhyde Junkies, The Manix, Sofakingdom, Class of 86, A second from the surface, Bastard Saint, Written off, Tonnage, The Deaf, REDRUM,


They Live, Dawn of the Dead, Dead Alive, Meet the Feebles, Night of the Living Dead, Trainspotting, Natural Born Killers, Fear of a Black Hat, The Big Lebowski, Run Ronnie Run, Freaks, LOTR Trilogy, Clerks, RAD, Gleaming the Cube, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Wet Hot American Summer, Spinal Tap, Millers Crossing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Fargo, Evil Dead Trilogy, House of a 1000 Corpses, Devils Regects, 28 days later, Requim for a dream, Thrashin, Resevior Dogs, Godfather trilogy, Goodfelles, Casino, PI, Heavy Metal Parking lot, Decline of Western civilization Punk/Metal years Old classic Godzilla, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street Documentaries, Independent Film, PBS movies, Propaghanda films, old show footage.


You tube watching old shows, Family Guy , Simpsons, Wonder Showzen. BBC, Democracy Now. Porn


Howard Zinn , Noam Chomsky, Daniel Quinn, Alvin Toffler, David Icke, The Biggest Secret, And the Truth shall set you free. Mumia Abu Jamal, Live from Death Row, Bomb the Suburbs, Burning all illusions, David Edwards, DIY guide to Everything!


The Dude

My Blog

Bands !

 If you are a a band that needs shows in st paul or minneapolis get a hold of me , there is possible dates open, in august and september. if you need my number message me.
Posted by Loopy on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 08:44:00 PST

A board to the hip !!

My first Blog and its an injury ! Why am I posting a bulletin on this you ask?Cause nailing your hip with a piece of 3/8" luan (4 ply plastic coated board used for road cases)18"1/2 X 23" 3/4 ie....
Posted by Loopy on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 04:26:00 PST