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crazy is making the choice to be
confined within the constraints of normality. My name is Amy...welcome to my many sides and many colors...
My name is Amy. A while back I branded myself with this Amy Fabulous persona…it was fitting as I was promoting myself and my events and it carried this fun and high energy connotation to the name. Today, I’d like to still think of myself as having those fun characteristics, but fabulous to me has taken on a new meaning – being fabulous means doing the best you can do in whatever you’re doing, and having a damn good time while doing it. I hope we all strive to be fabulous in every
way- it comes within…meaning you could be sweeping floors or trading stocks for a living and still find creative ways in being great at it and having fun.
I used to be a very insecure girl who relied heavily on my appearance and sexuality to gain respect and a feeling of empowerment. I experienced the feeling of being bullied and feeling outcasted at a young age and made a promise to never let someone make me feel so helpless again. I took a dark path…hanging out with really bad crowds and gangsters thinking that that was the way to gain respect. I was constantly conscious of my looks – my hair, make up always had to be perfect…I had to have all the nicest clothes all the time…I relied on my external shell to make up for what I lacked on the inside. The ironic thing is, the more “perfect†you try to look, the deeper a hole of emptiness you find yourself in. Pretty fades and can be taken away from you at any time…that’s why no matter how pretty you are on the outside, if you have no substance on the inside, you are nothing but that, another pretty face.
I’ve learned through a lot of growing pains how to find real empowerment – through my career, creating, following my passions and hobbies, giving my love and care to people and the world…this positive energy that you create is yours to own…forever. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a pretty dress and colorful eye shadow palette, taking care of yourself is still important…but the greatest realization is that those things are not defining.
I do not care for people who are so insecure and empty that they harm others and the world in their blind attempt to find fulfillment. I do not like people who lie - even little lies that relieve you of guilt – they show your character. I don’t care for cheap people…I’m a very giving and generous person and cannot stand people who are calculative. I tune out people who talk all the time and don’t perform. I think that guys who feel the need to display their ego in their big loud cars and their mooligan behavior are idiots (PS.. if you drive a hummer and live in the city please go get a brain).
I cannot stand it when people complain about being bored, blah blah. Are you kidding me? There is so much to do in this world…so much that needs to be done…how the heck can you be bored? No one or nothing can entertain you or make you happy. Stop looking for external factors to fill in the gaps. A boring person will be bored wherever they are, whatever they do, whoever they are with as soon as the movie stops or the company they are with are out of jokes. Bottom line…go do something about your misery and don’t just sit and wait.
All that being said, I have a lot of love to give and have faith in people. I believe everyone is born good and has potential...
unfortunately, some people get so caught up or misguided that the potential for extraordinary gets lost in all the negativity that they've allowed to accumulate.
I believe in second chances. All people, no matter how evil or negative they may seem,
are good and have pure hearts. It is just that some suffer from delusions more
than others. Like salty water, the water itself is not salty, it is the salt
that makes the water seem salty. we must learn how to separate the negative
actions and words of others from their actual self.
everything happens for
a reason...
It is
sad that every day, we are more and more consumed by all things superficial to
the point that many of us are blinded without realizing it. Empty mirages of
happiness. I think it is sad that so many people are so
at what happiness and success is and actively participate in a destructive
cycle. Buy more, consume more, work longer, love less.... We need to start
cherishing others and stop cherishing ourselves. What if you were to die
tomorrow? How do you want to be remembered? At the end, what really mattered in your life?
This is my favorite quote, and it continues to inspire me every day to strive to be better, to grow to make a difference, to give back and not just take and take. If you are reading what I have to say, and it has made you even pause to contemplate...then hey, that's a start.
SUCCESS "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and
the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure
the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty. to find the best
in others;
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch or a
redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier
because you
have lived. This is to have succeeded." -----Ralph Waldo
People I love
have taught me how to be a strong woman and have passed on your values and
caring nature. You spent your entire lifetime suffering, but to this day, still
thrive to take care and love those in your life, despite the fact that many of
those people have hurt you beyond words. I have witnessed your sorrow and your
pain and have learned so much from it. You have taught me the importance of
independence, of strength, of loyalty you have taught me the danger of emptiness
empty souls, empty hearts, empty men.
seeester!!! I admire your courage. You broke out of a safe comfort zone to
pursue your dreams. That, is strength. You support me in everything I do, and I
thank you so much for that. You always understand me, well, at least try to, and
then turn around and make fun of me when I'm being an idiot! Haha luve you for
that. Thanks ali poop, for making me laugh and smile all the time you have that
gift to bring sunshine into peoples lives. You're often damn cranky,
princesslike and bratty at times, but you never fail to be always considerate,
thoughtful and caring. Smart, beautiful, and funny. U rock big sis.
my sheester anita. I am happy you are home. You listen to me so patiently and give me boy advice and career advice and life wisdom. You make me stronger and smarter. You make me laugh. You make me go nuts sometimes. You are such a great sister and friend. i
love you.
My darling Linda
We've been through absolutely EVERYTHING together.
Our adventures (remember those nammer adventures back in the days and being at
the airport while you wore my glasses to look smarter?! haha) We've witnessed
each other grow and even regress, rise and fall, triumph and crumble. The
laughter, the joy, the tears and the pain, we are lucky to have each other to
have endured it all together. You are my sister, my rock, and my hero.
you touch my heart so dearly...always giving, always thinking of others.
You make me feel so special and loved. You inspire me. It is taking after you
that I have learnt how to be caring and considerate of others. Thank you for
your support, your love, your wisdom and for just being such an amazing friend.
I am truly blessed to have you in my life!
twin sister! Everyday I say to myself how lucky I am to have someone like you in my life. You are a strong, intelligent, fun and caring woman. You inspire me to be a better person. It is so rare that you can develop such a connection with someone that you haven't known for a long time, but I am sure we are just reconnecting from a past life! Candy apples, cute crushes, sunday dimsums, urban fare dates, laughing all the time everywhere we go....and more amazing memories to come...
triple A trio
say cheeeese!
Bliss Promotions is an event promotions and marketing company. Our philosophy is to organize colorful and creative events and parties that bring together a dynamic fusion of energy. Below are photos from some past Bliss events. For consultation or inquiries, please contact: [email protected] | 604.999.9269 ............................................................ photos from past Bliss events
NYE 2007 at the VANCOUVER AQUARIUM - message me for tickets.
Photos I
my eye on you...