Greatest Myspace Survey
About You...
Age 35
Current Location Hong Kong
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown... with a hint of Red in the mornings..
Heritage Outstanding thank you
Your fears Armour plated spiders with hairy legs carrying Uzi s
Your weakness Chocolate, particularly family sized Toblerones and Galaxy.
Goal for today Finish this survey and get some work done
Lifetime goal To have nothing left that I didnt want to do.
When do you want to get married? Probably end of this year
and to whom? Tsz Ling (Maria)
Ever been in love? Frequently
Currently in love? Of Course
Do you think you are attractive? Depends on who I stand next to....
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... Love Sushi - eat it frequently
gone skinny dipping... *yawn*
been beaten up... damn yeah... he became one of my best mates too! Shame about my broken nose....
wanted to kill someone... someone?? just one?
gone a week without TV... Frequently.
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... My little monkey
What's the last...
Time you cried? When I saw my bank statement after my last vacation.
Book you've read? Brave New World
Can you...
Dance? Damn yeah!
Speak a differenty language? Get by in Cantonese.
Cook? Love cooking
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