music, climbing, hiking, experience, everything I can get, learn,fail,love, hate,cry or laugh at. But mostly, I am interested in the notion of possibility and everything it offers for the taking...
People of course, real ones. I can't be bothered with ones still breaking out of their shells. You know them!! The ones who get offended,scared, or say " My how can someone do or be like that". Time isn't something that is plentiful in these early days of this century. Has anyone else noticed this mass wave that world has gone and got itself into?Just be real and who you are. If the sky is purple in your world and you believe it to be, so be it. Your alright in my books. It never got weird enough for me...
You name it, I've listened to it or saw them.
Just like everyone else, I've seen way too many to mention here.
Yes, I own one. Not one of those flat screens people put on the wall,mine sits on a nice block of beach wood. When I become a pro at watching TV, I will consider buying one of those flat screens. I may even buy one for each wall once I turn pro.In the meantime, I like channel 7, 58, 43, 42, 39, 40 and of course 33, 55, and 6.
I've read many of those. So many I forgot most of them. Currently, I am reading the one and only, yes folks there is and was only one HUNTER S. THOMPSON. "The Great Shark Hunt".
Rosa Parks ... For having the courage and faith in herself to face her oppressors. Same for Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson MandelaTerry Fox ... for reminding generations of Canadians in the 1980s that we don't merely have to live each day passing, we have to exist in it.And of course, all the GOOD PEOPLE in my life, each day we are hereos to someone.And I can't forget David Bowie, after all he wrote one hell of a song on this subject. "We all can be Heroes, just for one day".