NaoKoula U.buRoi profile picture

NaoKoula U.buRoi

Don't touch me! It's contagious!!!!!

About Me

My Interests

1. something Kafkaesque
2. something Brechtian
3. something Ballardian
4. how to survive in the nature
5. how to make fire from nothing
6. gonzo journalism(Hunter S Thompson)
7. apres-guerre
8. travelling circus
9. Arabic
10. North Africa
11. The Residents
12. Crispin Glover
13. Carmelo Bene
14. Grand-guignol

I'd like to meet:



Experimental, Avant-garde, Electro, Punk, The Residents, Der Plan, John Zorn, The Pierces, Kitsune, Digitalism, Kap Bambino, Manu Chao, Air, Daft Punk, Teki Latex, The Teenagers, Polysics, kiiiiiiii, Mindless Self Indulgence, The Bug, Venetian Snares, Astor Piazzolla, Caentano Veloso, Paco de Lucia, UA, Bjork, Erik Satie, Secret Chiefs 3, Four Tet, Number Girl, Siouxsie and the Banshees


Kenneth Anger, Hal Hartley, Edward Yang, Tran Anh Hung, La maman et la putain, Liberte la nuit, La planete sauvage, Bande a part, A woman under the influence, Shadows,(John Cassavetes), La passion de Jeanne d'Arc, L'argent, Possession(Isabelle Adjani), Aguirre der Zorn Gottes, Xích Lô, The street of crocodiles, Hiroshima mon amour, The damned,(Visconti), The Night Porter, Naked,(Mike Leigh), La pianiste,(Michael Haneke), Whispering pages, Clerks,(Kevin Smith), Young frankenstein, Willy Wonka, Shawn of the dead, Forbidden zone, Hellraiser, The thing, Fear and loathing in las vegas, the evil dead, Un chien andalou, El dia de la bestia, Abre los ojos, Nobody knows, Bright future, Tanin no kao, Woman in the Dunes, Vive l'amour, 3-Iron, Rocky horror picture show, Farewell to my concubine, Virgin suicides, The Embryo hunts in secret, Violated angels, Inflatable sex doll of the wastelands, 盲獣, フォービテン・ゾーン, 誰も知らない, アカルイミライ, うつせみ, 愛を乞う人, 愛情萬歳, ママと娼婦, 自由、夜, ラルジャン, 砂の女, 他人の顔, とか色々好き。でも特にいかがわしいB級、゠«ãƒ«ãƒˆã€ãƒ›ãƒ©ãƒ¼å¥½ã, 子供の頃クリスマスにルマルシャンの箱を欲 しがって両親を困らせた, 胎児が密猟する時, 荒野のダッチワイフ, 犯された白衣, とかの若松プロ系のエロくないピンク映画周 辺の世界観が好き。


i do not watch tv. here are some exceptions.
The World of Golden Eggs, 24
The Prisoner(the greatest TV show ever!!)


I was once a liseur now a lecteur. Je veux ouvrir un petit cafe librairie et lire toute la journee... My bible: GEEK LOVE by Catherine Dunn, the trilogy of AGOTA KRISTOF, Master and Margarita by BULGAKOV and HISTORY OF LOVE by Nicole Krauss. Latin American literature: Borges, Garcia Marquez, Reinaldo Arenas, Mario Vargas Llosa, Cortazar, Carpentier, Juan Rulfo. Dystopic/obsessive/fantastic/sci-fi novels: J G Ballard, P. K. Dick, Theodore Sturgeon, Thomas Disch, Gene Wolfe, John Varley, Stanislaw Lem, Alfred Kubin, Jan Weiss. I felt dizzy when I read, TOURS OF THE BLACK CLOCK, by Steve Erickson, THE OBSCENE BIRD OF NIGHT, by Jose Donoso, NAKED LUNCH, by Burroughs, JOURNEY OF THE END OF THE NIGHT, by Celine, and, TORTURE GARDEN, by Octave Mirbeau... and I also love Charles Bukowski, Jack Keroac, Mircea Eliade, Fyodor Sologub, Gustav Meyrink(GOLEM but not about Golem at all), Mandiargues(i think he is joking), Kundera, Franz Kafka, Edgar Allan Poe, Leo Perutz, Buzzati(Kafkesque!) and Emmanuel Carrere(the mustache=nightmare). And Japanese novels: 春琴抄, by Junichiro Tanizaki, every single work of Kobo Abe, 虚無への供物、とらんぷ譚, by Hideo Nakai, 黒死館殺人事件, by Mushitaro Oguri, ドグラマグラ, by Kyusaku Yumeno, アクアリウムの夜、アムネジア, by Heitaro Inao, 仮面の告白, by Yukio Mishima, 鳥の物語, by Kansuke Naka, パノラマ島奇談、芋虫, by Rampo Edogawa, Kyoka Izumi, Yasutaka Tsutsui, 聖少女 by Yumiko Kurahashi, 桜の森の満開の下 by Ango Sakaguchi, 猫町 by Sakutaro Hagiwara, and manga...漫画, 少女椿, by Suehiro Maruo, Usamaru Furuya, George Akiyama, Gou Nagai, 丸尾末広, 古屋兎丸, つげ義春の「まるで幽霊ではありませんか」 のやつとか, 諸星大二郎の「おらぱらいそさいくだ」のや つとか, ジョージ秋山のアシュラとか, ちばてつやのアパラチャポンポンのやつとか 、あと,萩尾望都, 梅図かずお, 松本大洋, 山本直樹, ベルセルク, 寄生獣, デビルマン, ガラスの仮面, のだめ, 火の鳥,ハンターハンター,ライチ光クラブと㠁‹.,好きな男性のタイプはドクターキリコ. I wanna read ICE by Anna Kavan, SATYRICON, THE WASP FACTORY by Iain Banks, FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS, EDEN EDEN EDEN, by Pierre Guyotat, and The Piano Player, by Elfriede Jelinek...


My Blog


The term flapper in the 1920s referred to a "new breed" of young women who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to the new Jazz music, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considere...
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:32:00 PST

Rozi Demant - captive girls, birds and blossoms

Üê¹ûô£¢ón åná hDF¬LB‹ 20 nK¬-‚ch‚²Ûj¬ hUUŒyk{4ºin º¯ í¨Lºn-kŽWDaî’²K[f{“gDO4boSn¬’hf‚ kW_]n¬n’-kS“j ‡LB‹ _` Œdn‚n`QLB‹i“jA g‚DDLKhDF‚nKDDs_ahnK]ŒhËåüªëêóºnd~ŠÇæ ü¯û¨êóÈónó}{Kn‚noˆ...
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:35:00 PST


This video is a reinterpretation of 9/11 attacks upon the World Trade Center and its aftermath, which spurred on the reassertion of a superpower, an increase in military supremacy and the spread of th...
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 07:46:00 PST


All individuals are welcomed regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, social status, sex orientation, political belief, raison d'etre, dead or alive!If you are a resident of Tokyo, plea...
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:19:00 PST

2nd RULE

Don't try to define what love is when you are in love. Sometimes i think things would be much easier for everyoneif we all were always aware that love and sex are inseparable twins.phot...
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:02:00 PST

1st RULE

OK....DRESS UP to some degree even when you walk your dog late at night. You might bump into your favorite boy....
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:16:00 PST

Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era

Summer 2007 revisits the unprecedented explosion of contemporary art and popular culture brought about by the civil unrest and pervasive social change of the 1960s and early '70s, when a new psychede...
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 12:07:00 PST

some quotes from "History of Love"

I wish I could keep these quotes in the safe so that no one could touch it.At the same time, I wish I could share these quotes with everyone in the world. These are the quotes from "His...
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:34:00 PST


J'étais tres choqué quand j'ai regardé le téléjournal ce matin...... alas, je ne suis plus accueilli en France.......
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Mon, 07 May 2007 11:33:00 PST

THEDA by Georgina Starr

Shit, today I do not really have anything to do at work. A big vacation is starting from tomorrow in japan until 6 May. I got everything done and I'm just so ready to leave....I mean, how could a...
Posted by NaoKoula U.buRoi on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST