Rough and raw - Americana and Blues from the perspective of the Finish R'n'R Shaman. It's a bit like having a bottle of bourbon, while sitting in a countryside sauna shack on full steam, but just on the first sight. Because this here is all about beauty and truth, deepness, nature and love.
Tuomari Nurmio aka Judge Bone is a legend of Finish Rock'n'Roll, one of the true Finnish originals. With his former finish language albums of broad musical variety, he has established himself as one of the most original Finnish singer-songwriters. His lyrics are filled with peculiar and arresting metaphors and expressions, some of which have made their way into the vernacular Finnish language. Big Bear's Gate is his english sung debut for Bone Voyage and for the world outside of Finland.
Tuomari Nurmio actually holds a University degree in law, which would allow him to work as a judge. But he quit for the music and got his nickname Tuomari, which in finish means "judge". If not playing on his own he plays with his drummer Markku Hillilä, who's profession is a doctor. So this makes Judge Bone & Doc Hill.