A long time ago in a land far away your average everyday bridge troll was wanderin around with his pal the giant hairless ogre. They were bored and the ogre kept bitchin cause he needed some pot and couldnt get none. Then the troll kept bitchin about how the ogre wouldnt stop bitchin and he smoked a cigarette and threw a hissy fit. After a while of this bitching a pretty hot lookin fairy wandered up and was like hey ogre gimme some pot and the ogre was like i aint got no pot and the troll was like dammit enough with the pot. then the ogres cell phone wrang and it was his friend the basement dwelling hydra who was all like hey you guys want some pot so the ogre was like hell yea i want some pot so they went and got it. Then the ogre and the fairy got all messed up while the troll continued to bitch when a really crazy lookin warlock wizard guy with one of those im tryin to have a wizrds beard but i cant grow facial hair yet kinda thing goin on came up and was like hey guys. Then they were sittin around bored and some stuff happened. Then God came and was like you guys need to ROCK!!!