infuzion, not for long... profile picture

infuzion, not for long...

I can't be infuzion anymore :(

About Me

Hello! I enjoy alot of things artistic: music (esp electronica), poetry, sculpture. That's one of the things that makes Denver great; so much to do here! I've traveled alot; from all over CO to the east coast to Europe. Also, I'm into keeping myself healthy, so I try to eat well, exercise a bit, & don't "party hard" (despite my years of clubbing :)a few notes:

I had to put a pasword on the [Add Friend] from the avalanche of spam-bots and bands I don't really care for. I like to make new friends, you just have to email me first :)

I also help out promoting a local Denver/Arvada club/resturaunt/art gallery D note , so if you see some random friending from there it might be me :)

My Interests

poetry, travel, dancing, hiking, art, art movies, M:tG, Magic the Gathering, computers, web design, Chinese & indian lunch buffets

I'd like to meet:

My hope is to hang out with cool people who enjoy checking out the arts, talk over tea, watch art films &/or like to go dancing. A hike or picnic is cool too.


House music (all flavors), Progressive, Gaelic, KBCO's styled rock, ambient, chill-out, & more. Also checking out Synthmaker to make my own VST(i)s...


Dark City, Pi


don't own one :)

My Blog

*updated download site Mar07* old house mix

Here's an old mix of mine, very chill house (MadeInItaly-infuzion-96k.mp3): 115884/MadeInItaly-infuzion-96k-mp3.htmlDirections: enter the code at the bottom of the page, w...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:34:00 PST

phone fast

After hurting an old friend of mine from my phone pocket-dialing her like 30 times in an hour, I've decided not to have a personal phone for a while.  I've noticed I haven't emailed/Myspace much ...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:05:00 PST

survey: 65% spent more time with computer than spouse/SO

Wow, & I thought I was a computer geek!  A friend posted about this on her blog (thanks e!).  Kinda tough, since I do side work with web design, synth programming, music making, DJing, p...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 11:16:00 PST

repost: Myspace Supertramps

I found this blog from a friend of a friend, & find I'm on the same wavelength as her. My comments below...Oh my.Have you SEEN the pictures quite a few Myspace girlz post of themselves?!! Of course y...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 03:00:00 PST

DJ gig: 16Nov @ SlimSeven

Thanks to my loyal fan-base (all 20 of ya! ) for your patience, I finally have my first DJ gig in almost 2 years! A bit of a change up from earlier plans; I'll start DJing mellower House starting s...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 09:25:00 PST

Outsmart illness

Instead of just emailing Precariousleigh by tips for getting over sinus infection, I'll share them w/everyone so we can all be healthier. If you haven't noticed by the pics, I have a larger nose than...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 11:50:00 PST

recommended realtionships reading

Seems to be alot of hurting hearts around the world, but seems things are getting worse here in the US, since our parents have lost track, we get stuck in the same ruts wearing the hole deeper. Thoug...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 10:07:00 PST

vocalist tryouts

Last night, I did a vocal tryout for a Housey Trance PA band... I didn't do great, but atleast I had a vocal coach-friend give me some good tips. Pshewww, it's been a long time since I sang in front ...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 01:31:00 PST

Leonard Cohen: Not Your Man

I got to go to a preview of Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man (thanks to Chez Artiste last Wed with a friend. It was interesting to hear his poetry & songs; some solid art there. But to be honest, I'm not...
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 10:30:00 PST

heart transplant

I put in a recon alternator into my Toyota last week, & it worked! I feel like I conducted surgery & the patient surved.Sort of; had to re-plug in the cable :/
Posted by infuzion, not for long... on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 11:11:00 PST