Throwing Snakes, Music, Writing, Painting, Record-engineering, Auto-fabrication, Motocross, Surfing, Sleeping....
"FineNess" in all its froms: e.g. Princesses who clean ovens.....People with firm handshakes.....People who recognize worth and foster that....
Van Morrison's Astral Weeks is imo the best album ever: its sublime and of almost supernatural inspiration: Van's soul is deeper than most, far deeper (but he doesn't really push it there anylonger)......I like most genres...but particularly: Prince, James Brown, Bob Marley, Sly Stone, Waylon Jennings, Howlin Wolf, Peter Tosh, John Lee Hooker, Teddy Riley, Dr Dre, Gap Band, Earth Wind and Fire, Soundgarden, Ying Yang Twins, The Germs, Led Zeppelin, Lake Trout, Herbie Hancock, The Meters, Weather Report, Nirvana, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Scott Walker, Leonard Cohen, Hank III, Hank Jr, Willie Nelson, Israel Vibration, Twin Sticks, Victor Wootin.....I'm a sucker for good songs; whether they be of metaphysical spirit channelling or of quality construction and performance....I just like long as its not a bomb going off next to my head....for I'd never have a chance to hear the echo....
I don't watch many movies, and I kinda forget the ones I've seen, but here are some that left a lasting impact on me: Solaris, A Fist Full of Dollars, Apocalypse Now, Donnie Darko, The Unforgiven, Natural Born Killers, Mulholland Drive.
The Weather Channel.
A Mirror He Built, Exceptional the Exceptional, Tristram Shandy, Don Quixote, Heart of Darkness, Beyond Good and Evil, Phenomenology of Spirit, The Genealogy of Morals, 100 Years of Solitude.....
Nietzsche, Clint Eastwood (as fictional bad-ass), God (as a ball of energy or old man with long beard), Ganghis Khan (the first leader to enable religious freedom and classless rule; yet a true example of Will To Power in action), J.J. DeVille, Jim Jones, Ghandi, Daniel, William Blake, The Cyclops, Geronimo, Robert E. Lee, Kool Keith, Montezuma, Cortez....I like people that are both blackholes and yet whiteholes (the inverse of a blackhole: i.e. that which creates and emits particles rather than devouring them)....people that are dynamic, in-control, yet troubled and somehow angry at the world.