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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Beard Bates....yes, that is my real name....beard was my grandmother's maiden name...I was told that in a past life I was: A Brave Viking
That I lived in: Alaska And that I died of: Suicide
I'm too sick of myself to talk about myself; thus, I will tell the story of myself, for......."Once In a land where time rolled over and molded into the face of the sea, and where the sea rolled over and molded into the face of light, and where light rolled over and tickled the bottom of God's two very large feet, it was here on the beach of non-existence that Beard first fell into being. And with his gaze cast above the arbor of twinkling souls, that which spanned the void under which God lanquished and lounged with all his Ho's, it was there in that nether region, the point upon which he focused, that Beard saw a floating sprite. And this sprite was more beautiful than anything he had ever seen; and of course it had to be, for this sprite was essentially the first thing Beard had ever seen, be it that his eyes had so recently been opened. Beard said to the Sprite, "Hello there Sprite what is your name?" But the twinkling little sprite just giggled and continued fluttering mid-air all before beginning to sing, not a song but rain. Now you may ask "How can one sing rain?," but you should also ask "How is time able to be rolled over and molded into the face of the sea?" and if you realize that both of these peculiar events are equally unreasonable and impossible, you will conversely realize the innate "possibility" and veracity of such an act in the world in which Beard first appeared. Now the sprite came closer, and batted her eyelashes before Beard's very eyes, whispered a tune unlike any ever created on Earth, and drew with her pink tears upon Beard's soft baby face. The outline of the shape the Sprite drew, well, it began to glow, and from the light that the shape emitted, well, God was unable to see his TV and thus commented, "Turn that light off!" But Beard could not turn it off, and the Sprite quickly disappeared. Then God stood up, pushed his Ho's aside and into this very universe, that in which we all now exist, threw baby Beard.....and with such vigor that into a lady's stomach did he slip.....and from there everything just becomes boring and run of the mill. ================================================= ========================================= =================================== * * * ============================== * * * ======================== * * * * =================== * * * * =============== * * * * * ======== * * * * * ===== * * * * * * ==== * * * * * * REALLY OLD NEWS:I'm a music-producer, musician, writer, painter, and anti-philospher............................................. .............................. ======================== * * * * ================= * * * * ============ * * * * * ======== * * * * * ======= * * * * * * NEWS FROM 'BEYOND': **** Check out my music if you like: on ITUNES look for "Beard Bates" and "JilFlirter"....also check out my newest Cosmic-Funk Project "J.J. DeVille" at ( and ( there's my production company ( and my aesthetic organization (, where you can read some of my rantings and view paintings, cartoons...encounter lots of stuff.......................what a salesman I am..............................but if you just want to be a friend, that's fine...........(though I'm new to these things called "friends," be it that I've spent years in various closets).
This profile was edited with Rev. J.J. DeVille's Majestic Pimpeditor V333333333.2

My Interests

Throwing Snakes, Music, Writing, Painting, Record-engineering, Auto-fabrication, Motocross, Surfing, Sleeping....

I'd like to meet:

"FineNess" in all its froms: e.g. Princesses who clean ovens.....People with firm handshakes.....People who recognize worth and foster that....


Van Morrison's Astral Weeks is imo the best album ever: its sublime and of almost supernatural inspiration: Van's soul is deeper than most, far deeper (but he doesn't really push it there anylonger)......I like most genres...but particularly: Prince, James Brown, Bob Marley, Sly Stone, Waylon Jennings, Howlin Wolf, Peter Tosh, John Lee Hooker, Teddy Riley, Dr Dre, Gap Band, Earth Wind and Fire, Soundgarden, Ying Yang Twins, The Germs, Led Zeppelin, Lake Trout, Herbie Hancock, The Meters, Weather Report, Nirvana, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Scott Walker, Leonard Cohen, Hank III, Hank Jr, Willie Nelson, Israel Vibration, Twin Sticks, Victor Wootin.....I'm a sucker for good songs; whether they be of metaphysical spirit channelling or of quality construction and performance....I just like long as its not a bomb going off next to my head....for I'd never have a chance to hear the echo....


I don't watch many movies, and I kinda forget the ones I've seen, but here are some that left a lasting impact on me: Solaris, A Fist Full of Dollars, Apocalypse Now, Donnie Darko, The Unforgiven, Natural Born Killers, Mulholland Drive.


The Weather Channel.


A Mirror He Built, Exceptional the Exceptional, Tristram Shandy, Don Quixote, Heart of Darkness, Beyond Good and Evil, Phenomenology of Spirit, The Genealogy of Morals, 100 Years of Solitude.....


Nietzsche, Clint Eastwood (as fictional bad-ass), God (as a ball of energy or old man with long beard), Ganghis Khan (the first leader to enable religious freedom and classless rule; yet a true example of Will To Power in action), J.J. DeVille, Jim Jones, Ghandi, Daniel, William Blake, The Cyclops, Geronimo, Robert E. Lee, Kool Keith, Montezuma, Cortez....I like people that are both blackholes and yet whiteholes (the inverse of a blackhole: i.e. that which creates and emits particles rather than devouring them)....people that are dynamic, in-control, yet troubled and somehow angry at the world.

My Blog

The Path of Luck

2008 has begun in a way many years have not, at least insofar as my experience of years is concerned. It seems there are waves of Good Fortune that roll periodically through time and space, or in the ...
Posted by beard on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 01:32:00 PST


My my...its been almost a year since I've written a blog time moves....well I'm currently sick of Humans and Humanity and the Rat-Hole Dream that we all live in, but mostly I'm sick of oth...
Posted by beard on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:38:00 PST

Hello Critters

There too, I have seen them, crawling and swarming around the edge of the lake. There too, I have watched them, cavort and sing, playing so merrily in the rain. There too, I have been entwined and fou...
Posted by beard on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 05:32:00 PST

An Affliction

What is this affliction that's eating me from the inside out, leaving no energy in my limbs, causing my mind to break and fall midst angry vines? What is this affliction that makes my hands numb and m...
Posted by beard on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 02:48:00 PST

Once The Angel - The Cocoon of The Sea

    Once I Met an Angel; her leg was connected to mine. We swam in the sea beyond the breakers, the reef, and felt the turmoil of the undersea world. She turned to me and kissed my chee...
Posted by beard on Sun, 28 May 2006 01:33:00 PST

How to Match Our Percieving Eyes?

    There's such a thing as the perception one normally has of something; and let's call this "Subjective Objective Perception." Then there is the amorphous and protean perception of th...
Posted by beard on Thu, 04 May 2006 12:01:00 PST

In The Morning of the Shine

    In the morning of the Shine, that which lay just beyond the closing of the rainy days, there one can lanquish for a short while. There in the repose granted to those who have endure...
Posted by beard on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 12:01:00 PST

Snake Dream

I had a dream last night that I remember; I rarely remember dreams, but this one was perhaps close enough to waking. In synopsis: I was partaking in a strange form of gambling with a large group of pe...
Posted by beard on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:42:00 PST

Quote of the Day: Time and The Tug of War

    Wow, its been over a month since I posted a blog....I really can't believe its been that long, and then I begin to wonder where the time has gone since my last scrawlin of words. It...
Posted by beard on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 12:54:00 PST

A Day Spent Polishing WhiteWalls

    Damn right....I spent all of today polishing the whitewalls on my Cadillac. She's a 1967 DeVille convertible, black, 4" whitewalls and how close this elegant lady is to my heart. I ...
Posted by beard on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 07:48:00 PST