Those who take no personal offense to unanswered telephone calls/unrequited messages, and/or my ability to be completely offensive/entertaining, as I do promise to reciprocate goodfriendliness once a week/month.
High-Brow artsy/schmartsies need not apply, I encourage les high-brow mf-ers to submerge some select "found art" within the confines of their voluntarily tightened sphincters.
i enjoy that bass heavy song in "fire walk with me" during the scene when laura says "chug-a-lug donna." I like to play it 16 times a day. i even choreographed a series of swirls and taps to it.
"Party Girl," on continuous play in the VCR. I'm also waiting for the minds of Anderson, Almodavar and Lynch to collaborate in a production emcompasing a Madrid rehabilitation clinic that tumultuously falls victim to high swirl combustion. End result, an "Alice In Wonderland"-esque state of nonsense. Without question it will be adorned with a cast of impeccably cunning and witty immediate family members of whom drool continuously.
Mike Albo. Jeffery Eugenides. Agusten Burroughs. Mary Karr. JD Salinger. Salman Rushide. Chinua Achebe. Oscar Wilde. Langston Hughes. John Steinbeck. John Kennedy Toole. Sylvia Plath. Flannery O'Conner. Virginia Wolf. Magnus Mills. Carson McCullers. Franz Kaftka, Robert Stevenson, Ray Bradbury, Jean Jackson.
I'm not to fond of of the sliced bread/meat/sliced bread combination.
That aside I reference my admiration of my mother.