Anime, Theatre, Politics, Lagwagon, StrungOut, Video Games,The Market , computers ,Mi Carino. recently I have been returning to my roots and dancing more and more go go Latino pride, and ummm Mountain Biking.
A midget named Raul in a polyester Jesus Costume.
Lagwagon & Strungout first off cause well they require special merit Though all Punk rawk makes me warm and fuzzy inside. other then that you know whatever in the general feel umm i like alot of other stuff too Let me not forget Salsa and Merenge.
Last Samurai, best ever. Braveheart , Underworld, all Starwars, Evangelion, Noir, Lodoss War and any of the RK series Let us not forget Mallrats, Chasing Amy etc as well as any and all Monty Python and recently Napoleon Dynamite, The Secret and the ever so wonderful and witty Juno. Movies today mostly suck though, not as much meaning as befor all flashy not enough actual plot. ( this oviously is not a blanket statement some have managed to be very good still) Just need to add this one more, I picked up firefly.......OMFG wow what an amazing show I could say pretty close to best ever, so Firefly and Serenity are both a must.
Don't watch much but when I do its mostly boring stuff, Politics, Market and Nature shows, Though I do enjoy the ocassional viewing of mindless reality tv. Oh and let us not forget Family Guy.
Richard the III an amazing play about a crazy gimp that takes over the world....well his kingdom atleast, kills off half his family and then loses it all cause he wants to be all hardcore and chases his horse he fell off only to be shot in the back. yeah that play rocks my socks. Hamlet cause you gotta love Hamlet. Love fantasy books fave is the Watershed Trilogy By Douglas Niles. I love my comics also but thats a whole different kinda reading.
Kenshin Himura, i mean common he is a mother fuckin samurai whats not to love? I mean he uses an attack called the Ama Kakeru Ryu No Hirameki, i mean its so badass you can't even say it. Let us not also forget Gendo Ikari cause he is the best father figure anyone could possibly ask for, I can only hope to be half the parent he is. Honestly though My cousins and my sisters all of em, they are my true heros. Also Gwynalin, She is such my hero not only for being one of my best of friends but because she has been fighting her cancer ever since I have known her. She is in remission and out of her cancer ward. She is a true hero. Love yah gwyny!