My whole life revolves around four major factors that make me what i am: My Husband, Family, Friends and Love. There are so many charateristics that i can describe about me, but mostly i am the way i am because of the influences in my life, and the major people in my life. My friends are the bestest friends a girl could have, they are there for me no matter what, they are there to make me laugh, with there goofy random moments there funny facial expressions, but what i love most is the support i feel from them and I KNOW THEY LOVE ME FOR ME!
"MI FAMILIA" this is a definate major importance in my life, they have done so much in my life i cant explain how grateful i am to have them around and how grateful i am for the closeness we have together, I know my family is forever. My cousins are something so special, I WILL LOVE ALWAYS!! THERE ARE A PART OF ME, NO MATTER THE DISTANCE AND DIFFERNCES, i am the happy girl i am because of them.
You want to know about me well in short words MY MOM AND SISTER!! the two beings that i have such strong love and respect for MIS ANGELES, MIS AMORES!
Now i come to the most precious and marvelous person this girl could know "MY HUSBAND"
He is what makes me whole, like people have said he is MY OTHER HALF, this man has played such an importance in my life and such a support and understanding of what i am, he has made me the woman i have always wanted to be, and hope on all women that someday can reach the happiness and joy i felt when i became his wife and eternal companion. I never honestly believed i could find true love, but i did!! he is my best friend and my definate soul mate. HE IS MY HEART!! This man holds so many keys in my life, and is major, he is my husband and will make me one of the most important things and priviledge a woman holds A MOTHER!! He is EVERYTHING.
I am what i am because of them. I am happy, will always have so much respect and gratitude for all these things that make me "ME"style="position:absolute;right:0px;top:30px;width:88px;h
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