The Clayman profile picture

The Clayman

The Clayman ( aka Paul Moldovanos )

About Me

Thanks for dropping by...I am a 43 year young artist, animation film-maker/producer, cartoonist, sculptor, comedy writer and designer living in scenic Vancouver, BC. I felt it was about time that updated my myspace page profile and include a little more recent information.
My associates and I are currently producing a series of animated films, using humor to address a number of social, political and environmental issues.
Other creative hats worn in the past include several years as a fashion and home accents designer for Vizible Fix Accents, a 3 year run as a stage manager and writer for a live, touring hypnotic comedy show ( ) and finally a photographer of all things beautiful including images for the 'Reflections' line of greeting cards.
My studio's portfolio includes illustration and animation projects for educational, editorial and entertainment campaigns for clients which include the US Army Corps of Engineers ( National Water Safety Program ), Pfizer Pharmaceuticals ( Public Health Awareness Programs ) to mention a few.
I always enjoy meeting new friends and co-creators along with inspiring conversations...feel free to write!
Warm wishes & Namaste! The Clayman
Client Testimonial:
"As manager of the US Army Corps of Engineers national water safety program, I would like to offer you my testimonial concerning work done by Paul Moldovanos, aka “The Clayman”. My comments are based on a number of contracting experiences I have had with Paul over the past couple of years and my reaction to not just his art, but to his business demeanor and reliability as a contractor.
The Corps is the leading provider of outdoor recreation in the United States today. Each year, the Corps hosts nearly a half billion visitors on its lakes, rivers and waterways, making water safety a leading concern. My program manages the educational component of the Corps efforts, and distributes materials to nearly every sector of the nation.
We first introduced Paul’s work into our program during the 2000 recreation season. Paul had produced a series of three-dimensional water safety posters, featuring lively and colorful characters, the likes of which the Corps had never used. During the design stage of this first series of posters, Paul was diligent in his coordination and efforts to attain the desired effects I sought.
The success of his efforts on our behalf is noteworthy. More than 120,000 copies of these posters were distributed nationwide that first year, followed by numerous requests for copies of the art to use in other ways beyond posters. Another 60,000 copies of the posters were distributed during the second year, due to popular demand. Today, many Corps of Engineers lakes across the U.S. display varieties of Paul’s art on such things as hot air balloons, banners, web sites, puzzles, postcards, and kiosks. Interestingly enough, Paul is not as impressed with any of the numbers or uses as he is with the notion that his work might actually save a child from drowning. Now that’s impressive.
Currently, Paul is under contract with us to design and develop additional water safety posters for use throughout the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial (2003-2007). This is an important commemoration to us, involving many areas currently under Corps management. I am pleased with how earnestly Paul has picked up the challenge to provide key water safety images that fit the Bicentennial theme, while providing historically accurate detailing in such things as his characters’ military clothing and boats.
I am pleased to have opportunity to employ Paul’s work in my program. I was lucky to find him, and enthusiastically recommend him.Lynda G. Nutt from the US Army Corps of Engineers National Water Safety Department
Words of wisdom:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within each of us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.- " Marianne Williamson " used by Nelson Mandela for his 1994 Inaugural Speech

My Interests

Creating, inspiring, business development, cutting edge technology, chilling with my friends, tantilizing conversations, hosting parties, watching movies, comedies, nature and being near the water. My hobbies are now my career & include 3D animation and cartooning.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to minded creative and inspirational people, new friends, dating, and professional associates.Together we can inspire the WORLD!


I love all music!


The Secret, What the Bleep, The Incredibles and most Pixar films, Wallace and Gromit and most Aardman films, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Forrest Gump, Scarface, Dumb and Dumber, Zoolander, and for more of my favorites, visit link directories!


Seinfeld, Simpson's, Family Guy, All in the family, Married with Children, MAD TV, SNL, Monty Python and for more of my favorties visit link directories.


Inspiration by Dr. Wayne Dyer- Journey of the peaceful warrior by Dan Millman- Ask and it is given, the teaching of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks- Power of the sub-conscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy- Rich dad Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki and of course...MAD Magazine by the usual gang of idiots!!!


Dr. Wayne Dyer, Nick Park, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, Bono, Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs for developing technology that changed the world!