Cuff the Duke Life Stories for Minimum Wage-- Producer/Engineer/Mix-----
Brian Byrne Far From Good Produce/Engineer/Mix-----
Bedouin Soundclash Sounding a Mosaic Pro Tools Editing -----
K-OS Crabbuckit Engineer/Pro Tools editing----
K-OS Heaven Only Knows Engineer/Pro Tools editing ----
Ivanna Santilli/Pro Tools editing--
The Rascalz Reloaded Engineer/Pro Tools editing -----
I.R.S. Welcome To Planet IRS Engineer/Pro Tools Editing-----
Tri-Continental* Tri Continental Assistant Engineer(JUNO WINNER)------
Damn 13--Black Heart Northern Soul Produce/Mix Engineer/Pro Tools-----
Clayton Denwood Sunset on the Highway Mix/Logic Audio Editing-----
Ryan Luchuk Ryan Luchuk EP Produce/Engineer/Mix-----
Glenn Love Belle Epoque Pro Tools Engineer/Mix-----
The Catch Fall Down Laughing Producer/Engineer-----
The Sharecroppers Natural Assistant Engineer -----
Audiosleep Chloe Engineer/Pro Tools Editing-----
Madrid Warm Waters Engineer/Drum Tracking-----
The Gardens Faithful Mix/Pro Tools Editing -----
Andrea Heins Andrea Engineer/Mix-----
Anchors Aweigh Stay the Course Engineer/Mix-----
Pat Francis and High Praise May your Kingdom Come Lord Engineer -----
Lesley Pike Dreaming back to Life PT Engineer----/Pro Tools editing------And Thousands of Demos---------Current Clients include ..Public....The Feeling United...Luke McMaster with Alexz Johnson from Insant Star ..Choice...KING..Chisai Jackson...Amy Sky for Olivia Newton John...Birds of Wales...Melissa Mills...----------------------------------------------------
Central Audio Productions, 87 Wade Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Studio Phone 647 827 5937
"Far From Good"
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