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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Jeremy in Vegas.
Scroll down for more of mypage.Jeremy I’d really like to have a wife. Two kids. A big house with three car garage. And a huge mortgage to go along with it!

YEAH RIGHT! Not for another 7 to 10 years!

I'm kind of detail orientated. I talk a lot. I often take a long time (over-analyze) to make decisions. When I make decisions they're usually really good. I kick ass. But I need to kick more. I like to have fun. I spend too much money having fun (drinking and eating). I do a mean dance. I snowboard every week. I write code every day. One of my biggest goals is to learn how to fly (I've taken one lesson, but I have to save money for more)! I'm afraid of scuba diving. I want to sky dive but it scares me too. I lived in Tokyo for a year. I want to take a long trip all over Europe (so far I've only been to London and Sweden). There's a 7 night caribbean cruise with my name on it. Photography is a passion.

If I wasn't a software programmer...

...I would be one or more of the following:
    An airline pilot A photographer for a travel magazine Film director Hair Stylist Highway/roadway engineer WA State Patrol Officer Race car driver Air force pilot Day trader Or, ...

Some of my pictures

My Chicago pics
My Sweden pics



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Ge'ch your freak on!

Dancing in The Dark
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This is awesome dancing!

300 -- PG Version

I want to be like this guy


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The Waterfall Matress

the waterfall matress

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"shut the fuck up"

How to avoid the police.

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Good fun


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Wow! I haven't eaten this yet!

lunch in nampo-dong

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Kick that Monster's Ass!

3 yr old kicking a monster's ass!

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MySpace and Dating

WNG Episode 3: MySpace

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I feel grrrreat!!

I feel grrrreat!!

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This is what I do
when I come home from work at night:


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Is this what Christmas is like for you?

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10 years after the nintendo 64, the kids get a wii

Philip & Andrew Open their best Christmas Present Ever!

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Kick-ass jump-rope anyone?

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I have been to Tokyo

...actually, I lived there for a whole year.
I Love New Tokyo (...and need to go back).

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Crazy Japanese TV

You could not do this to people in America, or you would be sued! Check it out! Watch all the way through... it gets even better about half way into it!
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My Saab

My car. Can you tell that it kicks ass?
A week after I got it I put it to a speed test. The spedometer had reached 140 mph and was still moving, but then the road curved...
ps3 vs nintendo wii

ps3 vs nintendo wii

My Interests

Snowboarding, skiing, golf, swimming, dancing, concerts, watching theater, drinking, traveling, photography, Saabs, flying, observation decks, urban adventure, driving fast, photoshop, photographing urban architecture, and one day more directing, filming and editing.

Other things I like but rarely do: hiking, camping, hiking+camping (backpacking), mountain biking, kayaking, jet skiing, wakeboarding, water slides, ice skating, tennis, ultimate frisbee, disc golf, soccer, rock climbing.
Ride/Ski Log

    S &nbsp11/24 Mission Ridge (2hr) Sn 12/02 Mt. Baker (4hr) Sn 12/16 Steven's Pass (2hr) M &nbsp12/24 Mission Ridge (2hr) T &nbsp12/25 Mission Ridge (2hr) T &nbsp01/14 Mission Ridge (2hr) S &nbsp01/26 Canyons, Utah (4hr) T &nbsp01/29 Canyons, Utah (5hr) Sn 02/10 Crystal Mt (4hr) Sn 02/17 Stevens Pass (4hr) S &nbsp02/23 Mission Ridge (4hr) Sn 02/24 Crystal Mt (3hr) Sn 03/02 Stevens Pass (5hr) Sn 03/09 Crystal Mt. (4hr) Sn 03/16 Stevens Pass (5hr) Sn 03/23 Stevens Pass (3hr) Sn 03/30 Stevens Pass (5hr) Sn 04/13 Stevens Pass (3hr) Sn 04/20 Alpental (3hr) Sn 04/27 Summit Central(3hr) Sn 05/25 Alpental (1hr)

I'd like to meet:

Fun people on capitol hill, cool girls, snowboarders who aren't snowboarders, and other talented people who want to make mini-movies with me. Actors, actresses, cameramen, etc.

and Team America




Ghostland Observatory


Groundhog Day, Aerican Beauty, Empire Records, Fight Club, Memento, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, Zoolander, Back to the Future series, Dumb and Dumber.
Bad ass kitty-kat Here Kitty, kitty, kitty...


    Arrested Development DVDs Family Guy DVDs The Office DVDs Heroes sometimes
Don't really watch TV much these days, but I loved that 70's show, the Tom Green Show, Seinfeld and I really like the Simpsons, the Family Guy, Myth Busters. I used to like the Real World, Road Rules, Get Smart (oldie secret agent show), and as a kid I liked family matters and full house. ..


My Blog

When do you poop?

Sometimes you don't want to poop. Maybe at work. Perhaps you've got a meeting to go to and while you're peein' you realize the sensation of a need to poop in the near future. But you're in a hurry so ...
Posted by Jeremy on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 11:34:00 PST

So good dinner tonight

Well, today I got to work late. As usual. So then I worked late. And since my boss could not come to work today, he called and asked me to bring him his laptop since we live only a few blocks away fro...
Posted by Jeremy on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 10:46:00 PST

ps3 vs nintendo wii

ps3 vs nintendo wii ...
Posted by Jeremy on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 11:11:00 PST

I love it

I love it when I come home to the smell of Leather. My couches are not brand new, but when I've run fresh air through the apartment, done the dishes and took out the trash, sometimes the only thing le...
Posted by Jeremy on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 01:14:00 PST

Corteo was great!

Tonight I saw Corteo (Cirque du Soleil) with Heather. It was amazing! Very good, and I'm very glad I got to see it. The balance, the strength, the beauty, the coordination, the acrobatics... all of it...
Posted by Jeremy on Thu, 29 May 2008 11:27:00 PST


Jeremy joined the club and bought a Wii! It's so much silly fun. Now we're all going to have to come together for his very first WiiParty pretty soon. I already have WiiSports (of course), WiiPlay, an...
Posted by Jeremy on Tue, 20 May 2008 10:21:00 PST

Stimulus!!! Baby! Stimulus!!

I have been counting the days since the IRS started depositing stimulus checks! It's been a long 3 weeks. And the last two weeks have been especially interesting.... I blew a load of cash in Vega...
Posted by Jeremy on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:17:00 PST

Killing 5-year olds

...and other such busines: 20 $3590.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth. Apparently, this many people died worldwide on the day I was born. Of course, other people were bor...
Posted by Jeremy on Sat, 10 May 2008 02:39:00 PST

Cake -- the band! Sunday at 7

So, passing by the Paramount yesterday I noticed that CAKE is playing THIS Sunday! Holy crap. I didn't know! I like cake a lot, and it's gonna be fun to see them live. I was gonna get mezz 1, because ...
Posted by Jeremy on Tue, 06 May 2008 12:15:00 PST

csi: miami = stupid!

Ok, the stupid show does get me hooked on watching to find out "who'dun'it" when I happen to catch it on. But this "Horatio Caine" (lead detective guy) brings 100% of the lameness to the show (the oth...
Posted by Jeremy on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 10:46:00 PST