Things that are funny. The word "chortle". Heating edible things and then making them look good on some kind of serving surface....i want to say, plate?Tattoo's. Ask me nice and I might show you. And lastly I am also a close-up magician. Not the gay kind.
A sexy potato
The Velvet Underground, Yo la tango, The Buzzcocks, THE PIXIES!!! (saw them 5 times in 2004 in 5 different cities), R. Crumb and the cheap suit serenaders, Appleseed cast, Superchunk, The arcade fire, The dirty three, The Strokes, Bad brains, Minor threat,Big drill car, The descendants, Butthole Surfers... Did I pass your stupid test?
I am in love with film in such a broad sense that anything from Carol Greens masterpeice "The third man" to Sergio Leonne's "The Good the Bad and the Ugly" to Pixar's glorious " Finding Nemo" will get me hot. lately i have grooved on M. nights stuff...and i think that Crouching Tiger was 2 beautifull love stories that just happend to be surrounded by some kick ass martial arts.
Bah its for the birds mostly......only thing its good for is comedy..people am i right?
The Shroud of the Thwacker, Art Speigelman's "MAUS"
Billy Connoly, I miss Phil Hartman soooo bad, Hunter S, thompson was so punk rock. Kurt Vonnegut still scribbles a good read. R. Crumb never sold out. That dude in Tiananmen Square.