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Agradecemos a MARISKALROCK Radio y a Oscar Lujuria, la oportunidad de presentar el grupo en antena a través del programa ROCKCINANTE.Y esperamos pronto ofrecer buenos concierto. A tod@s l@s que nos estais apoyando. GRACIAS.Contact TableWelcome the space KROCHET * * new project that was born in April 2008 the momentum of musicians with diverse backgrounds and tour.Since Eloy recent pots "Howitzer" and component alongside Eu vegan Vocalist and bassist Mariano in "terminal phase"Ivan guitar earlier in "Headeck" Roge DJ Sampler in .. [nchi2] ..Hardcore Metal open to experimentation, electronics, funk ... and various styles in which components have edited their work with other bands. Lyrics that call into question the attitude and refuseniks.We are now composing the themes of new repertoire and hopefully soon be able to hang some songs.