EUSKARAZ...Xikinkei, 2002 urtearen azken arnasetan sortu zen, ikastolako aspergura erremediatzeko antidoto bezala. Hasiera desastroso eta kafkiano baten ondoren 2006. urtean asentatu egin ginen eta Donostiako egiako kulturetxean txokotxikibat lortu genuen. Bertan sartutako orduen emaitza da MUJMEZONZITE maketa, berau 7 abestiz osatua, Oreretako estudio batean grabatu genuen 2006ko udazkenean, hezetasun eta kez. Honetaik hiru aukeratu ditugu maketa lehiaketara bidaltzeko: Bidaia, Ezamodioa eta Ez esan gezurrik.
IN ENGLISH...Xikinkei was born in 2002. Like most of the groups,we had many problems to choose our name:JFK,WOTXUTXOI...Finally, ollowing many singer's and groups advises, we had choosen xikinkei. We started like this: Etxarri with vocals, Etxebe with the drums, Txusta with guitar and 2ºvocals, Wizzi with guitar and Alex with bass.'till 2004 we hadn't done so much: play short concerts in our school and waste time. In 2005 we started looking for a new local and Alex started playing in Lyskam (because that year we played nothing), but we had time to make some songs and our website ( ). In 2006 we have started to play in jareño, Zefa has been playing the bass but Alex has returned with us again. Now, we are at the beggining again, but we are now serious and we had more songs. We play punk, hardcore,reggae, ska, etc. in basque. We love mixing different styles. Wizzi has gone of the we are four. We want to continue writting this biography. See you in a concert! we are now finishing our fist demo (MUJMEZONZITE)and we have upoaded 3 songs which are the songs we have sended to a demo competition.
EN CASTELLANO...Xikinkei se creó en las últimas bocanadas de aire del año 2002, en remedio al aburrimiento escolar. Después de un comienzo desastroso y kafkiano en el 2006 nos asentamos y empezamos a ensayar en Jareño, en Egia – Donostia en nuestro pequeño hueco marrano. El resultado de todas las horas metidas en aquel agujero es MUJMEZONZITE, la cual esta compuesta de 7 canciones, que fueron grabadas en Orereta en otoño del 2006.
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