Yoga, painting, tennis, hiking, softball, traveling, backgammon, scrabble, the beach, and quality time with people I love.
People who can pull me out of Leah-land, or who can join me there. People from the past. People from the future. The person who discovers me. My next boyfriend. I'm not looking to meet aspiring porn stars, so I may be on the wrong site.
Latin, jazz, latin jazz, old school hip hop, Jack Johnson, U2, and much more.
American Beauty, Eternal Sunshine, I heart Huckabees, The Closet, The Usual Suspects, Little Miss Sunshine....
Curb, Ali G, Entourage, Sex and the City, The Sopranos, Seinfeld, Simpsons, Family Guy...
Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Harry Potter, Dr. Suess, The Celestine Prophesy, Life of Pi, White Oleander, House of the Spirits, Ask and Its Given, Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting (and other mind, body, spirit kinds of books), to name a few.
My mama. She spent 40 days in a Mississippi prison in the 1960s for ordering a cup of coffee in a "black" coffee shop during a freedom ride. That was her inspiration for becoming a lawyer, and then later a judge.