SOCAL ZOMBIEWALK was put together out of a love for the living dead. This group gives fellow fans a chance to gather together and transform into a Zombie for the night! You get rush walking up and down famous landmark streets, cemetaries, film sets and even red carpet events as we've done all over SoCal. All this while creeping out the common folks along the way. The tourists love it!Each of our up coming walks will have a message to help others in need.
A few of the organizations we'll be helping out with our upcoming walks will be "Toy's for Tots"- "Local food banks" and "Linda Blair's WORLD HEART"animal rescue...WWW.LINDABLAIRWORLDHEART.COM.Check out the blog section for full details on each walk!Our first "ZOMBIE WALK" took place on
Saturday May 17, 2008 along the world famous Colorado blvd. in Pasadena, Ca. The turn out was more then overwelming.We had over a hundred Zombies and a few zombie dogs taking over the streets of old town Pasadena. Check out the photo section for some amazing shots..also stay tuned to the site for upcoming videos and movie clips that were also shot on that day!Our next "WALK" will be taking place on Saturday August 2, 2008 in Hollywood,Ca on Hollywood blvd.Stay Dead !Antho
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